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Releases: react-toolbox/react-toolbox

[email protected]

24 May 16:57
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[email protected] Pre-release

This release includes updates for all dependencies. The most important one is the warning produced by React 15.5 regarding PropTypes. Also there were updates related to both the library itself and the building process. Please test carefully 🙏 and report any issues.

Also, it includes some fixes thanks to you, awesome contributors! 👏

Linter changes

28 Jan 12:31
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Linter changes Pre-release

This release brings a lot of code changes. The linter rules have been changed but it shouldn't affect to the behavior in any case. If you find an issue, please report it! Help is very appreciated on this. Apart from those changes, this PR:

  • Updates all dependencies.
  • Exports TabsTheme interface that was missing in the previous release.


2.0.0 Beta 5

24 Jan 10:46
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2.0.0 Beta 5 Pre-release

Hi all! We are publishing a new beta release with mostly small fixes. You may noticed the number of issues has been dramatically reduced. I've made a cleanup closing duplicated issues and putting some of them together. Also, I've opened #1170 and #1169 to point a reimplementation that is coming with future releases. Notice that now there is a ROADMAP revealing the direction in which the project goes.

This release includes among other small fixes:

  • Ability to override isComponentOfType useful if you are using React Hot Loader #1164
  • MenuIcon now has an inverse prop in case you place it in a dark background.
  • Full restructure of Typescript definitions.
  • Tab component now is decorated with a ripple.
  • Spec internal implementation now uses the Layout with NavDrawer, you can follow it as an example.
  • You can disable suggestionMatch in the Autocomplete.
  • Now your source can be dynamic in the Autocomplete.
  • You can use onEscKeyDown property for the Drawer component.
  • Small accessibility improvements.


07 Dec 20:01
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2.0.0-beta.1 Pre-release
Release 2.0.0-beta.1

Improvements and bug fixes

25 Nov 20:31
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08 Aug 17:17
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This patch updates the peerDependencies in the package.json adding react-addons-update which is used in the Ripple component to update the internal state.

Better Ripple, Tooltips...

07 Aug 19:32
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New release with a lot of bugfixes and some major improvements that I think you are going to love:

  • Ripple component is way better now. It's closer to the spec supporting many waves, also it has better performance and it's not rendered when not used. You still can keep the single ripple version with a prop.
  • Tooltip component is refactored and now it's rendered from the root and with automatic positioning! Also it's only rendered when used.
  • DatePicker supports locale and multiple languages (thanks to Abilio). We still need to port some strings to fully support internationalization but it's a great step forward.

And of course a lot of great fixes brought by the community.
To update the internal status in the ripple we are now using react-addons-update. You will need to add this dependency.

Thank you all for contributing!


04 Jun 20:40
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After this time I think the library is mature enough to be released as 1.0.0. A lot of changes are coming with this new version, I hope you like it and find it useful:

  • No more toolbox-loader needed. You can generate your themes in multiple ways, check the docs.
  • Each component is customizable via a theme property which makes easier to add custom style.
  • You can import components raw, without styles, and provide styles via props or context.
  • You can write your own stylesheet for components. Anybody wants to port to CSS Next? 🙄
  • You can use the repository in your package thanks to the inclusion of a compiled lib folder.
  • A lot of bugfixes (thanks to the community 👏)

Breaking changes

  • To import components with style you have to import either from the project root or from indexes. In case you were importing components directly from its definition file it will no longer have styles, please change your import.
  • Let know any other breaking change in the issues.


10 Apr 22:47
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This new version include some major updates and new components 🎁:

  • Now components using an Overlay that are can be inactive (for example Dialog or Drawer) are not rendered if they are not active. We preserve the animation thanks to a two step rendering (see #444)
  • App component is no longer needed. From now on we are blocking the body overflow in components with Overlay. You can stop wrapping you whole application if you want.
  • Chip component and Autocomplete uses it (thanks @lucaas)
  • Layout components including a responsive NavDrawer, main Panel and SideBar (thanks @patrick-jones)
  • Improvements in the documentation and props validation (thanks @KerenChandran)
  • Many other bugfixes and small improvements.

Sorry for the last 2 patches, 💩 happens !


20 Dec 18:40
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New components

  • Ripple is now an HOC. It's released and included in the documentation so you can use it with your custom components.

Most important changes:

  • Added className for the pickers to customize them.
  • Animated auto-transition in DatePicker component.
  • All Input components have now an error prop.
  • Dropdown improvements and normalization with Input component.
  • More react-toolbox attributes to easy customize picker components.
  • btn-colors mixin extracted to easily define custom Buttons.
  • New neutral boolean property to avoid taking default styles in Button.
  • Remove hidden scroll from webkit browsers by commons.scss.
  • Better Navigation styles.
  • Overlay opacity can now be styled from CSS.
