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Splatoon 3 single player cleartime league for you and your friends!

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This is little tool that compares your splatoon 3 single player times with those of your friends. Uses the amazing imink f-api by @JoneWang. Special thanks to @frozenpandaman for showing how to navigate the login flow over in s3s

To use first create a contestants.json with the following structure:

    "league": "leagueName",
    "contestants": [
            "name": "tomte2",
            "session_token": "session_token"
    "proxies": [

Which contains all of your contestants. You need either their session tokens, or you need them to run a proxy (see below). How to get a session token? If you use s3s you can grab it from your config.txt.

To run a server:

docker run -d --restart=always --env CONTESTANTS=`jq -c . contestants.json` -p <port>:8080

Or, to run a proxy:

docker run -d --restart=always --env CONTESTANTS=`jq -c . contestants.json` --env PROXY=true -p <port>:8080

If you don't facy sending json as an argument, you could mount it instead:

docker run -d --restart=always -v <path-to-contestants-file>:/app/contestants.json -p <port>:8080

You could of course build/run the go app yourself, if you feel like it. Arguments are

Usage of ./alterna-freshness-league:
 -league value
       Contestants json string, tries to read 'contestants.json' file if not set
 -port string
       Port to bind to (default "8080")
       Start in proxy mode

What does it look like? Something like this: web example