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RadzionKit: A versatile full-stack development toolkit designed to streamline and enhance your coding projects with a suite of integrated, easy-to-use packages.


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RadzionKit: Speedy Setup for Robust Full-Stack Monorepo Projects


RadzionKit is the ultimate solution for developers looking to jumpstart their projects without the stress of complex setups. Designed as a comprehensive monorepo, it provides an integrated suite of tools for full-stack development, from a robust UI library to streamlined backend services. With RadzionKit, you save valuable time both in kicking off new projects and during the development process, ensuring a smooth, efficient, and hassle-free coding experience. Embrace the power of simplicity and efficiency with RadzionKit — your partner in transforming coding challenges into coding triumphs.

Monorepo Overview: Inside RadzionKit's Diverse Package Ecosystem

RadzionKit takes advantage of Yarn Workspaces to streamline a monorepo setup, organizing code into two primary directories: lib and demo. The lib folder houses generic code packages like @lib/utils or @lib/ui, designed to be project-agnostic and easily portable to any project without carrying over project-specific logic. On the other hand, the demo directory houses example implementations, such as @demo/api or @demo/app, that serve as blueprints demonstrating how to integrate and adapt the @lib packages to the unique needs of your project—simply replace demo with your project's name to customize. This thoughtful architecture not only streamlines the development process but also enhances the reusability of code, making it effortless to scale and modify your project as it grows.

Package Name Description Stack
@lib/utils Comprising a diverse array of utility functions, the @lib/utils package streamlines common coding tasks. It features modules for array manipulation, validation, template processing, time calculations, and more, allowing you to write cleaner code and implement complex logic with ease. TypeScript
@lib/ui The @lib/ui package is a comprehensive library of React components and hooks, meticulously designed to cover all facets of a modern user interface. This package includes a wide range of components such as buttons, forms, modals, and navigation bars, along with utility hooks and services for authentication, analytics, and state management. It's built to empower developers with the tools they need to create elegant, responsive, and accessible user experiences with ease. react, react-query, @floating-ui, styled-components
@lib/subscription-ui and @lib/web3-ui The @lib/subscription-ui package showcases domain-specific UI elements for managing subscription services, while the @lib/web3-ui package provides a set of components tailored for Web3 interfaces, both serving as exemplary models for structuring UI code within a domain-focused package. react
@lib/next-ui The @lib/next-ui package is designed to enhance Next.js applications, offering custom hooks for query parameter handling and metadata components for streamlined page SEO optimization. next
@lib/codegen The @lib/codegen package contains a set of TypeScript utilities designed to automate the generation of code files, including TypeScript interfaces and JSON files, facilitating a more efficient development workflow. TypeScript
@lib/auth The @lib/auth package contains authentication-related types for both front-end and server-side logic. TypeScript
@lib/dynamodb The @lib/dynamodb package is equipped with TypeScript utilities to streamline interactions with DynamoDB, including client setup, item operations, and query parameter generation for efficient database management. DynamoDB
@lib/countries The @lib/countries package delivers a curated, typed list of country codes with corresponding names and includes utilities to generate this data from a JSON file, simplifying country-related data management in your projects. TypeScript
@lib/resume-ui React components for creating a one-page resume. React
infra The infra package provides Terraform configurations and scripts for a robust and automated infrastructure setup on AWS, ensuring a secure and scalable environment for your applications. Terraform, AWS
@lib/dnd The @lib/dnd package includes the DnDGroups and DnDList components that abstract away the react-beautiful-dnd library, making it easier to replace and implement common drag-and-drop scenarios. react, react-beautiful-dnd
@demo/entities The @demo/entities package serves as a centralized repository for your application's entities, defining the core data structures that drive your business logic. TypeScript
@demo/entities-utils The demo/entities-utils package provides a foundational set of utilities tailored for managing and manipulating your application's entities, designed to be expanded as your project grows. TypeScript
@demo/email The @demo/email package offers essential utilities to facilitate the sending of emails within your application, including pre-configured templates like login link emails for quick integration and use. AWS SES, @react-email
@demo/db The @demo/db package serves as a placeholder within the template, poised to house custom functions for interacting with app-specific tables and entities in DynamoDB, streamlining the path to tailored database operations. DynamoDB
@demo/app The @demo/app project is a static site generation (SSG) showcase, built with Next.js, that demonstrates the capabilities and components of the ui package, providing a real-world example of the library's potential in a production-like environment. NextJS
@demo/api-interface The api-interface package provides a structured TypeScript interface for the app's backend API, including error handling and method definitions, to ensure type safety and consistency across frontend and backend communications. TypeScript
@demo/api The api package is a lightweight, TypeScript-based backend solution that faithfully implements the api-interface with minimal dependencies, primarily utilizing resolvers for handling requests. Optimized for use as an AWS Lambda function, it's an ideal choice for serverless architectures requiring the expressiveness of TypeScript and the efficiency of the AWS ecosystem. express, AWS Lambda, TypeScript
@demo/email-forwarder The SES forwarder Lambda function receives emails sent to AWS domains, stores them in an S3 bucket, and forwards them to a specified personal email address. This process is automated and scalable through Terraform, enabling efficient email management across multiple domains. AWS Lambda, AWS SES, TypeScript

Getting Started with RadzionKit: Launching Your New Project

Initiate your project using RadzionKit from our GitHub template. The demo folder serves as a practical example, showcasing package integration — rename it to reflect your project's name or remove it if you prefer to start fresh. Update any @demo references to @{project_name}, install dependencies with yarn, and your setup is complete.

Integrating RadzionKit's lib Packages into Your Monorepo

Select the @lib packages you require from RadzionKit and copy them into your monorepo. Be sure to include all associated dependencies; for example, if you choose @lib/ui, check if it necessitates @lib/utils and copy it as well. There's no need for renaming—these packages are designed to work out of the box. For practical examples of how these packages can be used within an application, refer to the implementations in the demo folder. After incorporating the desired packages, run yarn to install the dependencies, and your monorepo will be equipped with the versatile features of RadzionKit.

Effortlessly Integrate RadzionKit's UI Package: Enhance Your Project's User Interface

  1. For NextJS Projects Only: Update your _document.tsx file by extending the StyledComponentsDocument from the @lib/next-ui package, in order to integrate support for the styled-components library used in the @lib/ui package.
import { StyledComponentsDocument } from '@lib/next-ui/StyledComponentsDocument'

class MyDocument extends StyledComponentsDocument {
  // ...
  1. For NextJS Projects Only: Update your next.config.js to set styledComponents to true in the compiler options for proper styling, and include your UI package in transpilePackages to ensure Next.js correctly compiles and includes the UI package from the monorepo.
const nextConfig = {
  // ...
  compiler: {
    styledComponents: true,
  transpilePackages: ['@lib/ui'],
  1. Add a styled.d.ts to your project and include the following content to integrate RadzionKit's theme with styled-components' default theme:
import 'styled-components';
import { Theme } from '@lib/ui/theme/Theme';

declare module 'styled-components' {
  export interface DefaultTheme extends Theme {}
  1. Add persistentState File for Local Storage Interaction: Place a persistentState file in the state folder of your app package to enhance local storage interaction. For detailed guidance, refer to this YouTube video: Understanding Persistent State in React.
import { TemporaryStorage } from '@lib/ui/state/TemporaryStorage'
import { LocalStorage } from '@lib/ui/state/LocalStorage'
import { createPersistentStateHook } from '@lib/ui/state/createPersistentStateHook'
import { createPersistentStateManager } from '@lib/ui/state/createPersistentStateManager'

export enum PersistentStateKey {
  ThemePreference = 'themePreference',

const persistentStorage =
  typeof window !== 'undefined'
    ? new LocalStorage<PersistentStateKey>()
    : new TemporaryStorage<PersistentStateKey>()

export const usePersistentState =

export const managePersistentState =
  1. Implement ThemeProvider and GlobalStyle in Your App: In your application, use the ThemeProvider from RadzionKit to manage theme changes and store user preferences with the usePersistentState hook. Include the GlobalStyle component to apply global CSS styles, such as font family and custom scrollbars, ensuring a consistent look and feel across your app.
import { GlobalStyle } from '@lib/ui/css/GlobalStyle'
import { Inter } from 'next/font/google'
import { PersistentStateKey, usePersistentState } from '@demo/app/state/persistentState'
import { ThemePreference } from '@lib/ui/theme/ThemePreference'
import { ThemeProvider } from '@lib/ui/theme/ThemeProvider'

const inter = Inter({
  subsets: ['latin'],
  weight: ['400', '500', '600', '800'],

export const App = () => {
  const [theme, setTheme] = usePersistentState<ThemePreference>(

  return (
    <ThemeProvider value={theme} onChange={setTheme}>
      <GlobalStyle fontFamily={} />
      // ...

RadzionKit Cookbook: Simplifying Development with Practical YouTube Tutorials

To maximize your experience with RadzionKit, we've compiled the RadzionKit Cookbook, a series of YouTube tutorials designed to showcase the toolkit's practical applications in solving everyday development challenges. These tutorials cater to all skill levels, from beginners to experienced developers, and cover a range of topics from initial setup to advanced integrations. The RadzionKit Cookbook videos are an invaluable resource, offering step-by-step instructions, practical tips, and expert insights, all aimed at helping you harness the full power of RadzionKit for efficient, elegant solutions in your development projects.


RadzionKit: A versatile full-stack development toolkit designed to streamline and enhance your coding projects with a suite of integrated, easy-to-use packages.





