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XRAW (Raw Query ORM) Description

Raw Query ORM is a Query Builder as light as raw query and as easy as ORM

Benchmarking vs Other ORMs

source :

command : orm-benchmark -orm=all (-multi=1 default)


  2000 times - Insert
 ---  xraw:     2.07s      1034107 ns/op     480 B/op      7 allocs/op ---
       orm:     2.61s      1307297 ns/op    1433 B/op     37 allocs/op
       raw:     2.79s      1397290 ns/op     568 B/op     14 allocs/op
       qbs:     3.12s      1562002 ns/op    4319 B/op    105 allocs/op
      gorp:     3.82s      1909134 ns/op    1405 B/op     31 allocs/op
      hood:     3.98s      1991849 ns/op   10736 B/op    156 allocs/op
      xorm:     4.18s      2091037 ns/op    2584 B/op     69 allocs/op
      modl:     4.47s      2232501 ns/op    1333 B/op     30 allocs/op
      gorm:     5.70s      2851877 ns/op    7717 B/op    150 allocs/op

   500 times - MultiInsert 100 row
  --- xraw:     1.00s      1991180 ns/op   42711 B/op    205 allocs/op ---
       orm:     1.21s      2428474 ns/op  104592 B/op   1629 allocs/op
       raw:     1.91s      3824940 ns/op  110983 B/op   1110 allocs/op
      xorm:     2.78s      5566887 ns/op  230481 B/op   4962 allocs/op
      gorp:     Not support multi insert
      hood:     Not support multi insert
       qbs:     Not support multi insert
      modl:     Not support multi insert
      gorm:     Not support multi insert

  2000 times - Update
       raw:     1.08s       541486 ns/op     632 B/op     16 allocs/op
       orm:     1.12s       559463 ns/op    1392 B/op     38 allocs/op
---   xraw:     1.35s       675182 ns/op     288 B/op      5 allocs/op ---
      gorp:     2.55s      1273046 ns/op    1552 B/op     37 allocs/op
      xorm:     2.61s      1305718 ns/op    2896 B/op    107 allocs/op
      modl:     2.81s      1405387 ns/op    1504 B/op     38 allocs/op
       qbs:     3.77s      1882914 ns/op    4313 B/op    105 allocs/op
      hood:     6.14s      3068596 ns/op   10731 B/op    156 allocs/op
      gorm:     8.30s      4150627 ns/op   18622 B/op    385 allocs/op

  4000 times - Read
       orm:     2.28s       570828 ns/op    2640 B/op     95 allocs/op
       raw:     2.53s       632325 ns/op    1432 B/op     37 allocs/op
       qbs:     2.89s       721450 ns/op    6360 B/op    176 allocs/op
 ---  xraw:     4.67s      1167800 ns/op    1792 B/op     40 allocs/op ---
      hood:     5.11s      1277683 ns/op    4016 B/op     48 allocs/op
      xorm:     5.43s      1358713 ns/op    9981 B/op    267 allocs/op
      modl:     5.58s      1394672 ns/op    1873 B/op     45 allocs/op
      gorp:     5.59s      1396913 ns/op    1872 B/op     52 allocs/op
      gorm:     5.99s      1496423 ns/op   12156 B/op    239 allocs/op

  2000 times - MultiRead limit 100
      modl:     1.76s       878631 ns/op   49864 B/op   1721 allocs/op
       raw:     1.76s       881717 ns/op   34704 B/op   1320 allocs/op
       orm:     1.92s       961051 ns/op   88198 B/op   4483 allocs/op
      gorp:     2.15s      1072788 ns/op   63673 B/op   1909 allocs/op
       qbs:     2.21s      1104192 ns/op  165632 B/op   6428 allocs/op
---   xraw:     3.04s      1520843 ns/op   40440 B/op   1536 allocs/op ---
      hood:     4.44s      2217598 ns/op  136053 B/op   6358 allocs/op
      xorm:     4.86s      2430348 ns/op  178372 B/op   7890 allocs/op
      gorm:     5.31s      2654807 ns/op  255421 B/op   6225 allocs/op

Support Database

No Database
2 Postgres
3 SQL Server


go get

import to your project

import ""


Feature Using Description
Select Select(cols ...string) Specify the column will be query
SelectSum SelectSumn(col string) Specify the single column to be summarize
SelectAverage SelectAverage(col string) Specify the single column to average the value
SelectMax SelectMax(col string) Specify the single column to get max the value
SelectMin SelectMin(col string) Specify the single column to get min the value
SelectCount SelectCount(col string) Specify the single column to get total data that column
Where Where(col string, value interface{}, opt ...string) set the condition, ex: Where("id", 1, ">") -> "WHERE id > 1" Where("name", "test") => "WHERE name = 'test'"

How To Use

Configure the Host

// Mandatory DBConfig
dbConfig := &xraw.DbConfig{
    Host: "localhost",
    Driver: "(mysql | postgres | sqlserver)",
    Username: "your_username",
    DbName: "your_dbName",

All Property DBConfig

dbConfig := &xraw.DbConfig{
    Host: "your_host", //mandatory
    Driver: "DB Driver", //mandatory
    Username: "dbUsername", //mandatory
    DbName:"database_name", //mandatory
    Password: "dbPass",
    DbScheme: "db Scheme", // for postgres scheme, default is "Public" Scheme
    Port: "port", //default 3306 (mysql), 5432 (postgres)
    Protocol: "db Protocol", //default is "tcp"
    DbInstance: "db Instance", // for sqlserver driver if necessary

Init New Engine

// Please make sure the variable "dbConfig" pass by reference (pointer)
db, err := xraw.New(dbConfig)
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalln("Cannot Connet to database")
log.Println("Success Connect to Database")

Init the models

    -- We Have a table with this structure
    CREATE TABLE Student (
        name VARCHAR(100) NULL,
        address TEXT NULL,
        is_active BOOLEAN NULL,
        birth_date DATE NULL, 
    // Init the models (struct name MUST BE SAME with table name)
    type Student struct {
        // db tag, filled based on column name
        Id int `db:"id"`
        Name string 
        Address string
        // IsActive is boolean field
        IsActive bool `db:"is_active"`
        // BirthDate is "Date" data type column field
        BirthDate string `db:"birth_date"`

    // init student struct to variable
    var studentList []Student
    var student Student

Create New SQL Select Query

Get All Data

With SQL Raw

    if err := db.SQLRaw(`SELECT name, address, birth_date FROM Student [JOIN ..... ON .....] 
    [WHERE ......... [ORDER BY ...] [LIMIT ...]]`).Get(&studentList); err != nil {
    log.Println("result is, ", studentList)

WITH Query Builder

    // Get All Students data
    if err := db.Get(&studentList); err != nil {
    log.Println("result is, ", studentList)
    --  it will generate : 
    SELECT * FROM student

Get Multiple Result Data with Where Condition

    // Get Specific Data
    if err := db.Select("name, address, birth_date").Where("is_active", true).Get(&studentList); err != nil {
    log.Println("result is, ", studentList)
-- it will generate: (prepared Statement)
SELECT name, address, birth_date FROM student WHERE is_active = ?

    // Get Specific Data (other example)
    if err := db.Select("name", "address", "birth_date").
    Where("is_active", 1).WhereLike("name", "%Lorem%").
    Get(&studentList); err != nil {
    log.Println("result is, ", studentList)
-- it will generate: 
SELECT name, address, birth_date FROM student WHERE is_active = ? AND name LIKE ?

Get Single Result Data with Where Condition

    // Get Specific Data (single Result)
    if err := db.Select("name, address, birth_date").Where("id", 1).Get(&student); err != nil {
    log.Println("result is, ", student)
-- it will generate: 
SELECT name, address, birth_date FROM student WHERE id = ?

Create, Update, Delete Query


Single Insert

    dtStudent := Student{
        Name: "test",
        Address: "test",
        IsActive: 1,
        BirthDate: "2010-01-01",

    affected, err := db.Insert(&dtStudent)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalln("Error When Insert")

    if affected > 0 {
        log.Println("Success Insert")
    -- it will generate : (mysql)
    INSERT INTO Student (name, address, is_active, birth_date) VALUES (?,?,?,?)
    -- prepared Values :
    -- ('test', 'test', 1, '2010-01-01')

Multiple Insert

    dtStudents := []Student{
            Name: "test",
            Address: "test",
            IsActive: 1,
            BirthDate: "2010-01-01",
            Name: "test2",
            Address: "test2",
            IsActive: 1,
            BirthDate: "2010-01-02",
            Name: "test3",
            Address: "test3",
            IsActive: 1,
            BirthDate: "2010-01-03",

    affected, err := db.Insert(&dtStudent)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalln("Error When Insert")

    if affected > 0 {
        log.Println("Success Insert")
    -- it will generate : (mysql)
    INSERT INTO Student (name, address, is_active, birth_date) VALUES (?,?,?,?)
    -- prepared Values :
    -- 1. ('test', 'test', 1, '2010-01-01')
    -- 2. ('test2', 'test2', 1, '2010-01-02')
    -- 3. ('test3', 'test3', 1, '2010-01-03')


    dtStudent := Student{
        Name: "change",
        Address: "change",
        IsActive: 1,
        BirthDate: "2010-01-10",

    affected, err := db.Where("id", 1).Update(&dtStudent)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalln("Error When Update")

    if affected > 0 {
        log.Println("Success Update")
    -- it will generate : (mysql)
    UPDATE Student SET name = ?, address = ?, is_active = ?, birth_date = ? WHERE id = ?
    -- prepared Values :
    -- ('change', 'change', 1, '2010-01-10', 1)


    affected, err := db.Where("id", 1).Delete(&Student{})
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalln("Error When Delete")

    if affected > 0 {
        log.Println("Success Delete")
    -- it will generate : (mysql)
    DELETE FROM Student WHERE id = ?
    -- prepared Values :
    -- (1)