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This module creates an ElasticSearch cluster.

Basic Usage

Internet accessible endpoint

module "elasticsearch" {
  source = "[email protected]:rackspace-infrastructure-automation/aws-terraform-elasticsearch//?ref=v0.12.4"

  name          = "es-internet-endpoint"
  ip_whitelist  = [""]

VPC accessible endpoint

module "elasticsearch" {
  source = "[email protected]:rackspace-infrastructure-automation/aws-terraform-elasticsearch//?ref=v0.12.4"

  name            = "es-vpc-endpoint"
  vpc_enabled     = true
  security_groups = []
  subnets         = [module.vpc.private_subnets]

Full working references are available at examples


Terraform does not create the IAM Service Linked Role for ElasticSearch automatically. If this role is not present on an account, the create_service_linked_role parameter should be set to true for the first ElasticSearch instance. This will create the required role. This option should not be set to true on more than a single deployment per account, or it will result in a naming conflict. If the role is not present an error similar to the following would result:
Error creating ElasticSearch domain: ValidationException: Before you can proceed, you must enable a service-linked role to give Amazon ES permissions to access your VPC.

1 error(s) occurred:

* 1 error(s) occurred:

* Error reading IAM Role AWSServiceRoleForAmazonElasticsearchService: NoSuchEntity: The role with name AWSServiceRoleForAmazonElasticsearchService cannot be found.
    status code: 404, request id: 5a1614d2-1e64-11e9-a87e-3149d48d2026


Name Version
aws >= 2.2.0
random n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
create_service_linked_role A boolean value to determine if the ElasticSearch Service Linked Role should be created. This should only be set to true if the Service Linked Role is not already present. bool false no
custom_access_policy The custom access policy as string of JSON. string "" no
data_node_count Number of data nodes in the Elasticsearch cluster. If using Zone Awareness this must be a multiple of the number of subnets being used, e.g. 2, 4, 6, etc. for 2 subnets or 3, 6, 9, etc. for 3 subnets. number 6 no
data_node_instance_type Select data node instance type. See for supported instance types. string "m5.large.elasticsearch" no
ebs_iops The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports. number 0 no
ebs_size The size of the EBS volume for each data node. number 35 no
ebs_type The EBS volume type to use with the Amazon ES domain, such as standard, gp2, or io1. string "gp2" no
elasticsearch_version Elasticsearch Version. string "7.1" no
encrypt_storage_enabled A boolean value to determine if encryption at rest is enabled for the Elasticsearch cluster. Version must be at least 5.1. bool false no
encrypt_traffic_enabled A boolean value to determine if encryption for node-to-node traffic is enabled for the Elasticsearch cluster. Version must be at least 6.0. bool false no
encryption_kms_key The KMS key to use for encryption at rest on the Elasticsearch cluster.If omitted and encryption at rest is enabled, the aws/es KMS key is used. string "" no
environment Application environment for which this network is being created. Preferred value are Development, Integration, PreProduction, Production, QA, Staging, or Test string "Development" no
internal_record_name Record Name for the new Resource Record in the Internal Hosted Zone string "" no
internal_zone_id The Route53 Internal Hosted Zone ID string "" no
internal_zone_name TLD for Internal Hosted Zone string "" no
ip_whitelist IP Addresses allowed to access the ElasticSearch Cluster. Should be supplied if Elasticsearch cluster is not VPC enabled. list(string)
logging_application_logs A boolean value to determine if logging is enabled for ES_APPLICATION_LOGS. bool false no
logging_index_slow_logs A boolean value to determine if logging is enabled for INDEX_SLOW_LOGS. bool false no
logging_retention The number of days to retain Cloudwatch Logs for the Elasticsearch cluster. number 30 no
logging_search_slow_logs A boolean value to determine if logging is enabled for SEARCH_SLOW_LOGS. bool false no
master_node_count Number of master nodes in the Elasticsearch cluster. Allowed values are 0, 3 or 5. number 3 no
master_node_instance_type Select master node instance type. See for supported instance types. string "m5.large.elasticsearch" no
max_clause_count Note the use of a string rather than an integer. Specifies the maximum number of clauses allowed in a Lucene boolean query. 1024 is the default. Queries with more than the permitted number of clauses that result in a TooManyClauses error. string "1024" no
name The desired name for the Elasticsearch domain. string n/a yes
security_groups A list of EC2 security groups to assign to the Elasticsearch cluster. Ignored if Elasticsearch cluster is not VPC enabled. list(string) [] no
snapshot_start_hour The hour (0-23) to issue a daily snapshot of Elasticsearch cluster. number 0 no
subnets Subnets for Elasticsearch cluster. Ignored if Elasticsearch cluster is not VPC enabled. If not using Zone Awareness this should be a list of one subnet. list(string) [] no
tags Additional tags to be added to the Elasticsearch cluster. map(string) {} no
use_custom_access_policy Use a custom access policy instead of VPC or IP Based. Insert policy in custom_access_policy bool false no
vpc_enabled A boolean value to determine if the Elasticsearch cluster is VPC enabled. bool false no
zone_awareness_enabled A boolean value to determine if Zone Awareness is enabled. The number of data nodes must be even if this is true. bool true no


Name Description
arn The ARN for the Elasticsearch cluster
domain_name The domain_name for the Elasticsearch cluster
endpoint The endpoint for the Elasticsearch cluster
kibana_endpoint The kibana endpoint for the Elasticsearch cluster
log_group_arn The ARN for the CloudWatch Log group for this Elasticsearch Cluster