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Text Representation

The process to vectorize the requirements in order to be used for classification is implemented as follows:

  1. Unnecessary characters removal
  2. Lower-casing
  3. Punctuation signs removal
  4. Lemmatization
  5. Stop word removal
  6. Label ecoding
  7. TF-IDF Vectorization

Once the sentences were processed, a further analysis using the CHI squared algorithm for feature selection identified the following most correlated unigrams and bigramas per Quality Attribute:

Quality Attribute Unigrams Bigrams
AVAILABILITY failure, achieve, hours, availability, available system must, shall available
FAULT TOLERANCE eg, control, result, failure, operate within system, system shall
MAINTAINABILITY maintain, design, new, update, maintenance use system, user able
PERFORMANCE status, result, less, response, fast less fast, response time
SCALABILITY manner, capable, support, handle, number shall support, shall capable
SECURITY authorize, password, security, encrypt, access user system, authorize user
USABILITY use, content, navigation, easy, page shall easy, use system

Finally, the features were split and exported with a 17:3 ratio for training and test sets, the pickles X_train, X_test, y_train and y_test are expected to be implemented on the Automated Model Configuration repository. The same split ratio and random state are going to be used for the deep learning classifiers as well.