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Fastify plugin with Prisma to make simple & secure authentification middleware. Old Owner: @flexper


pnpm install fastify-auth-prisma unify-fastify prisma @prisma/client

Initialize Prisma and create a similar schema.prisma

model Token {
  id           String @id @unique @default(uuid())
  refreshToken String
  accessToken  String

  owner   User   @relation(fields: [ownerId], references: [id])
  ownerId String

  createdAt DateTime @default(now())

model User {
  id            String  @id @unique @default(uuid())

  tokens          Token[]

  createdAt       DateTime         @default(now())
  updatedAt       DateTime         @updatedAt

Add your plugin in your fastify server

import fastify from 'fastify';
import { PrismaClient, User } from '@prisma/client';
import unifyFastifyPlugin from 'unify-fastify';
import {fastifyAuthPrismaPlugin} from 'fastify-auth-prisma';

const prisma = new PrismaClient();
const server = fastify();

declare module 'fastify' {
  interface FastifyRequest {
    connectedUser?: User;

await server.register(unifyFastifyPlugin);

await server.register(fastifyAuthPrismaPlugin, {
  config: [{url: "/public/*", method: 'GET'}],
  secret: process.env.JWT_ACCESS_SECRET, // Recommanded to use an external variable but you can use any generated string




Field Name Type Description
config {url: string, method: HttpMethods}[] Specify which urls are allowed without valid token
cookieIsSigned boolean [OPTIONAL] If cookies is used, precise if value is signed
secret string Secret use for accessToken generation
prisma Prisma Client
userValidation (user: Prisma[User]) => Promise [OPTIONAL] Function to run to add userValidation on request (ex: isBanned / isEmailValidated)


Field Name Type Description
connectedUser Prisma["User"] Connected user
isConnected boolean Return if a user is connected

createUserToken(prisma)(userId, {secret, refreshSecret, accessTokenTime, refreshTokenTime})


Field Name Type Description
prisma Prisma Client
userId string
secret string Secret use for accessToken generation
refreshSecret string? Secret use for refreshToken generation
accessTokenTime string Time validity for accessToken Help for time format
refreshTokenTime string Time validity for refreshToken Help for time format


Field Name Type Description
accessToken string
refreshToken string



Field Name Type Description
prisma Prisma Client
accessToken string

Return void



Field Name Type Description
prisma Prisma Client
userId string

Return void

refreshUserToken(prisma)(refreshToken, { secret, refreshSecret, accessTokenTime })


Field Name Type Description
prisma Prisma Client
refreshToken string Refresh token generated
secret string Secret use for accessToken generation
refreshSecret string Secret use for refreshToken generation
accessTokenTime string Time validity for accessToken Help for time format


Field Name Type Description
accessToken string
refreshToken string



Field Name Type Description
req Fastify request

Return string

Config Array

To configure your public routes, you need to specify your url and your method. You can use some alias too :

  • Standard example : {url: '/test/toto', method: 'GET'}
  • Match url who start with test : {url: '/test/*', method: 'GET'}
  • Match all methods for this url : {url: '/test/toto', method: '*'}
  • Match url who contain dynamic variable in it : {url: '/test/:var1/test', method: 'GET'}

You can combine all this options of course ! {url: '/test/:testvar/toto/*', method: '*'}


To test this package, you need to run a PostgresSQL server :

docker-compose up -d
chmod -R 777 docker
pnpm prisma migrate deploy
pnpm test


This package use TSdx. Please check documentation to update this package.