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Pubnub C/C++ client libraries

Build Status

This repository has the source for the C/C++ client libraries, designed mostly for embedded systems, but perfectly suitable for "regular" (POSIX, Windows) systems, too.

Official Docs

Docs for C/C++ for Posix, Windows, as well as FreeRTOS and other embedded platforms are available at

Please direct all Support Questions and Concerns to [email protected]


Our repository can be build via two different approaches:

CMake (new but recommended)

You can build repository using CMake using our CMakeLists.txt file.

  • Unix:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
  • Windows (MSVS tools required):
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -G "NMake Makefiles"

There are several options to be selected via switches (using GUI) or by using command line.

cmake .. -DOPENSSL=ON -DEXAMPLES=ON <etc...>

Check the CMakeLists file for more info.

Makefiles (legacy)

You can build our SDK using standard tooling depending on OS you're using. For more info check those links:

depending on what fits you best.

Directory Organization

The directories of the library repository are:

  • core : The core part, with modules portable to all, or most, libraries for specific platforms

  • lib : Modules for libraries that are available on more than one platform

  • windows : Modules and Makefile for the Windows platform

  • posix : Modules and Makefile for POSIX OSes (tested mostly on Linux)

  • openssl: Modules and Makefile(s) for OpenSSL (on POSIX and Windows)

  • cpp: Modules, Makefile(s) and examples for the C++ wrapper

  • qt: Modules, Qt projects and examples for Qt

  • freertos : Modules and Makefile for the FreeRTOS

  • microchip_harmony : Modules and project for Microchip MPLAB Harmony

  • unreal : Unreal Engine integration module


In this root directory we have some files, too:

  • a "master" Makefile for POSIX - will build all the POSIX Makefiles there are (doesn't build Qt - you might not have Qt)
  • a "master" Makefile for Windows - will build all the Windows Makefiles there are (doesn't build Qt, you might not have Qt). For UWP support, use Makefile.
  • .pubnub.yml: Standard Pubnub library description in YAML
  • .travis.yml: Configuration for Travis CI (POSIX: Linux and MacOS)
  • .appveyor.yml: Configuration for Appveyor CI (Windows)
  • .clang-format: Configuration for Clang-format tool that we use to format C/C++ source code


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