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Vuforia Spatial Toolbox

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The Vuforia Spatial Toolbox and Vuforia Spatial Edge Server make up a shared research platform for exploring spatial computing as a community. This research platform is not an out of the box production-ready enterprise solution. Please read the MPL 2.0 license before use.

Join the conversations in our discourse forum if you have questions, ideas want to collaborate or just say hi.


How to build and run Vuforia Spatial Toolbox iOS App from your Mac OS computer from source code. If you just want to get the app on your phone as quickly as possible, you can simply download it from the iOS App Store.

  1. Clone the vuforia-spatial-toolbox-ios repo from GitHub.
git clone
  1. Initialize the git submodules to get the correct versions of the vuforia-spatial-edge-server and the vuforia-spatial-toolbox-userinterface.
cd vuforia-spatial-toolbox-ios
git submodule init
git submodule update
  1. Install some additional dependencies using CocoaPods. If you don't already have CocoaPods installed you should first run sudo gem install cocoapods, otherwise pod install will fail.
pod install
  1. Navigate to the vuforia-spatial-edge-server submodule and run the same commands here to initialize its own submodule (vuforia-spatial-core-addon).
cd bin/data/vuforia-spatial-edge-server
git submodule init
git submodule update
  1. Run npm install twice: once in vuforia-spatial-edge-server and again in its addons/vuforia-spatial-core-addon to install all of its dependencies.
npm install
cd addons/vuforia-spatial-core-addon
npm install
  1. Download the latest Vuforia SDK for iOS from (Click the "Download for iOS" link for vuforia-sdk-ios-[version-number].zip).

    This project was last updated with Vuforia SDK version: 9.6.4

  • Paste the Vuforia.framework file from the build directory of the download into the top level of the vuforia-spatial-toolbox-ios directory.
  • If the latest Vuforia SDK version has been updated beyond this documentation and you have trouble compiling the app, please consult the forum.
  1. Get a Vuforia Engine license key from by logging in and navigating to Develop > License Manager > Get Development Key. The name of your key doesn't matter.

    Create a new file in the vuforia-spatial-toolbox-ios/Vuforia Spatial Toolbox directory named vuforiaKey.h and copy-and-paste the following contents into it. Replace the vuforiaKey const with your key (a very long, generated sequence of characters):

//  vuforiaKey.h
//  Licensed from

#ifndef vuforiaKey_h
#define vuforiaKey_h

const char* vuforiaKey = "Replace this string with your license key";

#endif /* vuforiaKey_h */
  1. When these files are in place, open Vuforia Spatial Toolbox.xcworkspace. Make sure to open the .xcworkspace and not the .xcodeproj, otherwise the dependencies won't load. Make sure Xcode is set up with your Apple developer profile for code signing (in Xcode, click on the Vufora Spatial Toolbox project file to view its properties, click on Vuforia Spatial Toolbox under "Targets", and go to the "Signing & Capabilities" tab. You will need to add an Apple Developer account to Xcode to proceed. When all is set up, you should be able to compile and run the project on your iOS device (it won't run on the simulator; you need to have an iOS device connected).

Device Compatibility

While this codebase is fundamentally compatible with iPhones and iPads, it has currently only been recently tested with iPhones. This has been developed primarily with iOS 12, 13, and 14 and with device models iPhone 6S through 11 Pro. If you would like to use this with iPads or otherwise improve the compatibility with additional devices and OS versions, your help in testing the app on those platforms and identifying bugs will greatly accelerate the path towards full compatibility for those devices (you can get involved on our forum).

If you would like to help developing or testing our Android port (currently in pre-alpha development), drop us a note in the forum.

Additional Documentation

Please refer to our documentation repository for additional tutorials, setup guides, and introductions to various aspects of the system.


If your log window is being spammed with [Process] kill() returned unexpected error 1 check out this StackOverflow answer.