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Example dynamic, API-backed landing screen using React Native

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Dynamic Landing Screen with React Native

Dynamic landing screen for a content app using React Native.

App for Download

  • Android APK v0.1
  • iOS .app v0.1 (Install with xcrun simctl install <SIMULATOR_UID> <path/to/> after extracting)

App Demo

Android iOS
Demo GIF Demo GIF

Storybook Demo

Demo GIF

Instructions for dev setup

  • yarn rn start will start the usual RN server for serving files in the debug mode.
  • yarn storybook serves the storybook mode, with all components shown independently in the storybook. Helpful for manual testing and independently operating on components.
  • yarn android/yarn ios for building and installing a debug build to an attached device/simulator.
  • yarn test for running Jest tests.
  • yarn lint for running lint tests.
  • The dev setup is dependent on the environment config file(.env) that contains configuration keys (API_HOST) that the app needs. (Please get in touch with me for getting env secrets). Sample env file here.

Features and Considerations

  • The app consists of the following features in the first version
    • The landing screen
    • Shows an upcoming event with a countdown.
    • Shows a feed.
  • The code is structured in way that all code in the components directory is independent and reusable.
  • Follows the ducks file structure for state to aid this. actions, reducers and selectors for one redux store slice in the same file.
  • Uses createSlice method from redux-starter-kit to specify actions, iniialState, and reducers all together in a verbose fashion for a store slice.
  • I assumed a placeholder logic for the upcoming, nearing and live banner image states of an upcoming event, for lack of details on those.

TODOs, Notes

  • The upcoming event API has CDN asset links with HTTP and not HTTPS. Not only is this generally insecure and not recommended, Cleartext HTTP traffic is not permitted after Android 8 (ref). Spend substantial time scratching my head debugging this and then had to add this as a workaround.

Would have done the following in the next iteration -

  • Abstract out color literals and common styles to a Color Palette or styling lib.
  • Integration tests for state management. In the current state and for a small/volatile app in general, unit tests for reducers would not be of much help. Integration tests would have a higher reward to effort.
  • A UI test for the Countdown component.
  • EventCard and EventCardMinimised potentially have some common code that can be refactored out.