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PHP Validate

A composer package that provides php validation in accordance with PRS-2 standards, along with any extra validation rules we choose.


This is a composer package but is hosted on github.

Add this to composer.json:

    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""

And then this to require-dev:

        "pixelunion/pxu-php-format": "dev-master"

And then run composer install as per usual.

Usage: CLI

$ vendor/bin/php-validate <file>

Runs PHP_Codesniffer on the given file(s).

Leaving blank will run against all files in a project.

Usage: Manual

To use our shared ruleset manually, point your --standard argument to vendor/pixelunion/pxu-php-format/PixelUnion/ruleset.xml

Usage with Travis CI

For Travis builds we want to run this only within a given commit range (to iteratively bring existing code up to a new standard), and only if PHP files exist within this commit range. We have a bash script which gets this done.

TBD: integrating the above script into projects more easily 😃

Then add this to your project's Travis config:

  - "if [ \"$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST\" != \"false\" ]; then ./travis/validate $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE; fi"
  - ...
  - ...

Custom Sniffs

Extra sniffs beyond the PSR-2 standard can be added in PixelUnion/Sniffs. Documentation for writing custom sniffs can be found in the PHP_Codesniffer Wiki. Please organize custom sniffs under a category, for example Sniffs/Operators/TernaryOperatorSniff.php.

Testing custom sniffs

Sniff tests live in PixelUnion/Tests. From there they should share a directory structure matching their location in Sniffs. So a sniff that exists in Sniffs/Category/SomeSniff.php should have a test that lives in Tests/Category/SomeSniffTest.php.

The test suite can be run with composer run-script test.

Sniff Fixtures

Each sniff test should also include a fixture, which is the PHP file that will be sniffed against the given sniff rule. Fixtures should live next to their test file with a .inc extension. So if you have a test at Tests/Category/SomeSniffTest.php you're required to also include Tests/Category/

Test Structure

At this point, all test asserts is what lines the errors and warnings should be thrown on.

Test classes should extend the BaseSniffTestCase class, which makes a getLinesForSniff method available. This method runs the sniff and returns an array containing the line numbers of each error and warning. Simply assert that the errors/warnings are thrown on the correct lines of the fixture provided.

Testing example

Let's say we have a sniff that disallows a __set method, like so:


namespace PixelUnion\Sniffs\Methods;

use PHP_CodeSniffer\Sniffs\Sniff;
use PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File;

class DisallowMagicSetSniff implements Sniff {
    public function register() {
        return [T_FUNCTION];

    public function process(File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr) {
        $functionName = $phpcsFile->getDeclarationName($stackPtr);
        if ($functionName === '__set') {
            $error = 'Magic setters are not allowed';
            $phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, 'MagicSet');

We'd write a fixture like this:

class MyClass {
    public function __set($name, $value) {
        $this->$name = $value;

And assert that it would fail on line 3 with a test like this:


namespace PixelUnion\Tests\Methods;

use PixelUnion\Tests\BaseSniffTestCase;

class MagicMethodSniffTest extends BaseSniffTestCase
    public function testDisallowMagicSetSniff()
        $lines = $this->getLinesForSniff();
        $this->assertEquals([3], $lines['errors']);

Kudos to this blog post for outlining an approach for testing custom sniffs.


Linters and formatters for Pixel Union's Laravel projects.







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