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It is a simple framework for static Html templates. Webpack 5, Scss, js y pug


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Webpack + Pug


PiruBoilerplatePug is a lightweight framework for creating static HTML templates efficiently.


  • Utilizes Webpack 5 for streamlined task automation.
  • Built on the foundation of Sass and Pug (formerly Jade).
  • Compiles Pug templates and updates the browser on every change.
  • Detects errors in Sass, Pug, and JavaScript, preventing Webpack crashes.
  • Generates source maps for compiled files.

Getting Started

  1. Fork and clone this repository or download it as a ZIP archive.
  2. Run npm install (ensure you have an updated npm version and Node.js 6 or higher).
  3. Execute npm run build to compile files for production.
  4. Use npm run dev to compile files for development.
  5. Utilize npm run watch to automatically compile changes.
  6. Start a local server and see instant changes with npm start.
  7. Enjoy a streamlined workflow!

Project Structure

  1. The src folder contains the directory structure for your work.
  2. The public folder holds the compiled files ready for production.
  3. Import your Sass partials in app.scss; their order is specified in the file.
  4. For Pug, the pages directory includes project pages, and includes contains reusable components.
  5. In the case of JavaScript, the modules folder encompasses importable modules in app.js.
├───📁 src/
│   ├───📁 fonts/
│   │   └───📄 piru.ttf
│   ├───📁 img/
│   │   ├───📄 logo.png
│   │   └───📄 piru.jpg
│   ├───📁 js/
│   │   ├───📁 modulos/
│   │   │   ├───📄 bootstrap.js
│   │   │   └───📄 feathericons.js
│   │   └───📄 app.js
│   ├───📁 pug/
│   │   ├───📁 includes/
│   │   │   ├───📄 footer.pug
│   │   │   ├───📄 header.pug
│   │   │   ├───📄 layout.pug
│   │   │   ├───📄 navbar.pug
│   │   │   └───📄 sidebar.pug
│   │   └───📁 pages/
│   │       ├───📄 index.pug
│   │       └───📄 post.pug
│   └───📁 scss/
│       ├───📁 base/
│       │   ├───📄 _reset.scss
│       │   └───📄 _typografi.scss
│       ├───📁 components/
│       │   ├───📄 _button.scss
│       │   └───📄 _card.scss
│       ├───📁 config/
│       │   ├───📄 _functions.scss
│       │   ├───📄 _mixins.scss
│       │   └───📄 _variables.scss
│       ├───📁 hacks/
│       │   └───📄 _hack.scss
│       ├───📁 layout/
│       │   ├───📄 _footer.scss
│       │   ├───📄 _header.scss
│       │   └───📄 _wrapper.scss
│       ├───📁 themes/
│       │   ├───📄 _dark.scss
│       │   └───📄 _light.scss
│       ├───📁 vendors/
│       │   └───📄 _vendors.scss
│       └───📄 app.scss
├───📄 .babelrc
├───📄 .editorconfig
├───📄 package-lock.json
├───📄 package.json
├───📄 postcss.config.js
└───📄 webpack.config.js