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License Test Integration with phoeniX project

AssembleX V2.0

This repository contains full Python source codes of AssembleX, the assembly code executant software for phoeniX RISC-V processor which is written in Verilog, at Electronics Research Center of Iran University of Science and Technology. AssembleX is now working with the help of riscv-assembler software.

AssembleX repository contains an open source software under the GNU V3.0 license and is free to use.

  • Contact phoeniX Team : [email protected]
  • Iran University of Science and Technology - Electronics Research Center
  • Digital Design Research Lab, SCaN Research Lab - Fall 2023

Running Sample Codes

Before running the script, note that the assembly code must be saved in the project directory with the same name. To run any of these sample projects simply run python sample followed by the name of the project passed as a variable named project to the Python script. The input command format for the terminal follows the structure illustrated below:

python sample {project_name}

For example:

python sample fibonacci

After execution of this script, firmware file will be generated and this final file can be directly fed to our Verilog testbench. AssembleX automatically runs the testbench and calls upon gtkwave to display the selected signals in the waveform viewer application, gtkwave.

Running Your Own Code

In order to run your own code on phoeniX, create a directory named to your project such as /my_project in /Software/User_Codes/. Put all your ``user_code.s` files in my_project and run the following command from the main directory:

python code my_project

Provided that you name your project sub-directory correctly the AssembleX software will create my_project_firmware.hex and fed it directly to the testbench of phoeniX processor. After that, iverilog and GTKWave are used to compile the design and view the selected waveforms.

AssembleX V2.0 is not integrated within the phoeniX project repository yet. Currently phoeniX core is working with AssembleX V1.0 which is using the assistance of Venus Simulator VS code extension. phoeniX RISC-V processor will be empowered by AssembleX V2.0 in the upcoming updates very soon!