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HSDP Kafka module

Module to create an Apache kafka cluster deployed on the HSDP Container Host infrastructure. This module serves as a blueprint for future HSDP Container Host modules. Example usage

module "kafka" {
  source = ""

  nodes             = 3
  bastion_host      = ""
  user              = "ronswanson"
  private_key       = file("~/.ssh/dec.key")
  user_groups       = ["ronswanson", "poc"]
  zookeeper_connect = "zookeeper-server:2181"
  kafka_trust_store   = {
    truststore = "./kafkatruststore.jks"
    password   = "somepass"
  kafka_key_store     = {
    keystore   = "./kafkakeystore.jks"
    password   = "somepass"
  zoo_trust_store   = {
    truststore = "./zootruststore.jks"
    password   = "somepass"
  zoo_key_store     = {
    keystore   = "./zookeystore.jks"
    password   = "somepass"
  message_max_bytes = 1048576


This module currently enables only mTLS-SSL between Kafka, Zookeeper or any connecting client apps. Operating and maintaining applications on Container Host is always your responsibility. This includes ensuring any security measures are in place in case you need them.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13.0
hsdp >= 0.9.4
random >= 2.2.1


Name Version
hsdp >= 0.9.4
random >= 2.2.1


Name Description Type Default Required
auto_create_topics_enable turn on or off auto-create-topics, defaults to true bool true no
bastion_host Bastion host to use for SSH connections string n/a yes
default_replication_factor default kafka server replication factor number 1 no
enable_exporters Indicates whether jmx exporter and kafka exporter is enabled or not bool false no
host_name The middlename for your host default is a random number string "" no
image The docker image to use string "bitnami/kafka:latest" no
instance_type The instance type to use string "t3.large" no
iops IOPS to provision for EBS storage number 500 no
kafka_ca_root CA root store for SSL (only applicable when exporter is required, so only when 'enable_exporters==true') string "" no
kafka_key_store A list of key stores one for each nore
{ keystore = string,
password = string }
n/a yes
kafka_private_key Private Key for SSL (only applicable when exporter is required, so only when 'enable_exporters==true') string "" no
kafka_public_key Public Key for SSL (only applicable when exporter is required, so only when 'enable_exporters==true') string "" no
kafka_trust_store Trust store for SSL
{ truststore = string,
password = string }
n/a yes
nodes Number of nodes number 1 no
private_key Private key for SSH access string n/a yes
retention_hours Retention hours for Kakfa topics string "-1" no
tld The tld for your host default is a dev string "dev" no
user LDAP user to use for connections string n/a yes
user_groups User groups to assign to cluster list(string) [] no
volume_size The volume size to use in GB number 50 no
zoo_key_store Zookeeper Key store for SSL
{ keystore = string,
password = string }
n/a yes
zoo_trust_store Zookeeper Trust store for SSL
{ truststore = string,
password = string }
n/a yes
zookeeper_connect Zookeeper connect string to use string n/a yes
message_max_bytes Maximum request size of a message supported in broker number n/a no
max_partition_fetch_bytes The maximum amount of data per-partition the broker will return number n/a no

Incase you are wondering why we need zookeeper key store, its required by bitnami please refer to bitnami documentation.

Key Store object

This object has two properties that needs to be filled

Name Description Type Default Required
keystore The path of the keystore file in JKS format string none yes
password The password to be used for the key store string none yes

Trust Store object

This object has two properties that needs to be filled

Name Description Type Default Required
truststore The path of the truststore file in JKS format string none yes
password The password to be used for the trust store string none yes

Generate caroot (PEM format)

Kafka exporter needs a caroot file. This can be extracted from the truststore file. In order to that use the following script:


# Exports the pub cert from the truststore
keytool -export  -rfc -alias caroot -keystore $inputJksFilename -file $outputPublicKeyFilename -storepass $inputKeyStorePassword -noprompt

Generate public/private keys (PEM format)

Kafka exporter needs the certificate in PEM format. In order to get these files use the following script:


#Export the public key with the certificate format
openssl pkcs12 -in $inputJksFilename -out $outputPublicKeyFilename -clcerts -nokeys -passin pass:$inputKeyStorePassword

#Export the private key with the PEM format
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore $inputJksFilename -destkeystore tempKeyStore.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass $inputKeyStorePassword -deststorepass $inputKeyStorePassword -noprompt
openssl pkcs12 -in tempKeyStore.p12 -nodes -nocerts -out $outputPrivateKeyFilename  -passin pass:$inputKeyStorePassword -passout pass:$inputKeyStorePassword


Name Description
kafka_name_nodes Container Host DNS names of Kafka instances
kafka_nodes Container Host IP addresses of Kafka instances
kafka_port Port where you can reach Kafka

Contact / Getting help

Andy Lo-A-Foe [email protected]


License is MIT