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DotNet-Soddi (Stack Overflow Data Dump Importer)


Nuget (with prereleases)

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-soddi --version 0.3.2

Inspirited by the original Soddi, DotNet-Soddi is a console application that assists in not just importing the Stack Overflow data dumps, but also obtaining them.


  • Discover archives from the command line.
  • Importing data from xml files or stream directly from the .7z archive files.
  • Download archive files from the command line via HTTP based on their site name.
  • Download archive files via BitTorrent based on their site name.


Not all features of Soddi are supported.

  • It's only for SQL Server.
  • Full Text isn't supported.

Download and install a database in two lines

The following command will download the archive for the, then import it into an existing database named

soddi download math
soddi import math -d

Because of the size of the database and the bandwidth of, you might be better off using the torrent option. The following command will do everything required to connect to the appropriate trackers and peers to download the math database and exit upon completion.

soddi torrent math


soddi download

Downloads a Stack Overflow site archive via HTTP from


download archive for
  soddi download aviation
download archive for to a particular folder:
  soddi download --output c:\stack-data math
pick from archives containing stack and download:
  soddi download --pick stack

  -o, --output        Output folder
  -p, --pick          (Default: false) Pick from a list of archives to download
  --help              Display this help screen.
  --version           Display version information.
  Archive (pos. 0)    Required. Archive to download

soddi list

List available Stack Overflow data dumps.


List all archives:
  soddi list
List all archives containing the letters "av":
  soddi list av
List all archives containing the letters "av" including meta sites:
  soddi list --includeMeta av

  --includeMeta       (Default: false) Include meta databases.
  --help              Display this help screen.
  --version           Display version information.
  Pattern (pos. 0)    (Default: ) Pattern to include (e.g. "av" includes all archives containing "av").

soddi import

Import data from a 7z archive or folder


Import data using defaults:
  soddi import
Import data from a folder containing a collection of .7z or .xml files:
  soddi import stackoverflow
Import data using a connection string and database name:
  soddi import --connectionString "Server=(local)\Sql2017;User Id=admin;password=t3ddy" --database math
Import data using defaults and create database:
  soddi import --dropAndCreate
Import data using defaults without constraints:
  soddi import --skipConstraints

  -d, --database            Name of database. If omitted the name of the file or folder will be used.
  -c, --connectionString    (Default: Server=.;Integrated Security=true) Connection string to server. Initial catalog
                            will be ignored and the database parameter will be used for the database name.
  --dropAndCreate           (Default: false) Drop and recreate database. If a database already exists with this name it
                            will be dropped. Then a database will be created in the default server file location with
                            the default server options.
  --skipConstraints         (Default: false) Skip adding primary keys and unique constraints.
  --skipTags                (Default: false) Skip adding PostTags table.
  --help                    Display this help screen.
  --version                 Display version information.
  Path (pos. 0)             Required. File or folder containing xml archives. The file must be a .7z file. If using a
                            folder it can contain either .7z or .xml content

soddi torrent

Download database via BitTorrent. For larger databases this might prove significantly faster.


Download files associated with the math site from the torrent file:
  soddi torrent math
Download to a specific folder:
  soddi torrent --output "c:\torrent files" math
Enable port forwarding:
  soddi torrent --portForward math
Pick from archives containing "stack":
  soddi torrent --pick stack

  -o, --output         Output folder
  -f, --portForward    (Default: false) Experimental. Enable port forwarding
  -p, --pick           (Default: false) Pick from a list of archives to download
  --help               Display this help screen.
  --version            Display version information.
  Archive (pos. 0)     Required. Archive to download

soddi brent

Super experimental. Downloads and extracts one of the BrentO provided databases via BitTorrent.

If you don't supply an ARCHIVE_NAME you will be prompted for one.

    soddi brent [ARCHIVE_NAME] [OPTIONS]

    soddi brent
    soddi brent small
    soddi brent medium
    soddi brent large
    soddi brent extra-large

    [ARCHIVE_NAME]    Archive to download

    -h, --help              Prints help information
    -o, --output            Output folder
        --skipExtraction    Don't extract the downloaded 7z files
    -f, --portForward       Experimental. Enable port forwarding


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