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Low Hanging Fruits

Guille Polito edited this page Jan 28, 2023 · 9 revisions
  • Old Editor removal
  • RB2/RB1
  • Processes fixes
  • [ Optional -- Stef ] Method in tonel format in Calypso
  • [ Stef current ] Microdown V2.0
  • [ Current ] Help in Microdown
  • Better CDParser
  • Using UndefinedClasses
  • Prof Stef ++
  • Spec1 out -- rewrite dependency analyser
  • Better rich text
  • include Rewrite Tool
  • Better Browse/Implementor/... with basic and fallback
  • A pass on selectorNavigator
  • DrTests
  • SUnit revisited
  • Chunk format in Tonel
  • Method Categories vs. protocol 03-PhIP-Cleanup-ProtocolOrganizer
  • Class Category: replace with RPackage
  • remove Ring1
  • [ Stef Sync with Pablo ] Optional Pharo projects
  • Console
  • UIManager cleanup: use UI interaction objects
  • new iceberg repair option to adopt a commit when no changes in sources (e.g. change in a resource, rebase)