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A discord music playing bot v0.2

Setup clone the repo git clone cd beathoven touch .env # Create a virtual environment named botenv python3 -m venv botenv or if you have conda: conda create -n botenv python=3.8

# Activate the virtual environment
source botenv/bin/activate  # On Windows, use: .\botenv\Scripts\activate
# Install the dependencies from the requirements.txt file
pip install -r requirements.txt

chmod +x

# When done working on the project, you can deactivate the virtual environment
deactivate  # (Optional) Run this when you're done working to exit the virtual environment

******* TO DO *******
 - make the bot a service

You will need the follwoing in the .env file: DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN='YOUR_DISCDORD_TOKEN' PLAYLIST_DIR='/home/musicbot/Beathoven/playlists/'

Was developed on Ubuntu 22.04 against Python 3.10. I used a chatGPT and codeGPT to the bulk of the bolierplate and to teach me the package. It took a bit of wrangling but I think the code seems pretty straightforward and mostly works*

Beathoven Commands: add Add a single url to the current playlist back Go back one or more songs code Where do I get this awesome code? help Shows this message join Tells the bot to join the voice channel leave Tells the bot to leave the voice channel list Show available playlists mute Mute the bot pause Pause song play Play songs from a playlist repeat Tells the bot to repeat the song/list or not restart Restart the current song resume Resumes a song. skip Skip song stop stop playing unmute Unmute the bot volume Change Volume of song yt Play a youtube url

Type !help command for more info on a command. You can also type !help category for more info on a category.

Type !help command for more info on a command. You can also type !help category for more info on a category.

BUGS galore: youtube playback - The stream seems to get terminated, at random times volume - volume works occasionaly mute/unbmute - related to volume issues? mute does nothing repeat song not working if song is last song in list skip restarts current song 1st time, 2nd time skips

Wishlist: logging is non existent at present. queing, let people add music to a que. mp3 tag information used and embedded images for Songs. Folder images, like cover.jpg displayed for playlists. Youtube thumbnails for now playing and playlists. Playlists by genre. User control of playlists, and playlists content - create - update - delete

Roadmap - MVP (minium viable product) - pretty much there, just need to sort out the youtube playback issues - add logging - fix volume control - update documentation - !list command - specify default is local


A discord music playing bot







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