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Hugo-based knowledge base for @particl Project


  1. Clone repo
  2. Install Hugo, Yarn and do yarn install to fetch dependenciesnvm
  3. To run Hugo dev server: yarn hugo
  4. To compile assets: yarn dev (continuous) or just gulp (one-time)
  5. To check production version locally: yarn build and then check the result in /public folder


  • Table of Contents: {{< toc >}}
  • Tree ToC (list all child pages with hierarchy): {{< tree-toc >}}
  • Buttons
    • Internal: {{< button relref="/" [class="..."] >}}Text{{< /button >}}
    • External: {{< button href="/" [class="..."] >}}Text{{< /button >}}
  • Icons: {{< ico NAME >}} - names correspond to icon file names in /static/media/icons/, e.g. {{< ico yes >}}
  • Youtube: {{< youtube PRxmGh24ILU >}} (PRxmGh24ILU stands for video ID found in it's URL)
  • Vimeo: {{< vimeo 330290302 >}} (330290302 stands for video ID found in it's URL)
  • Labels: {{< label primary|warning|alert|info">Label{{< /label >}}


| head | head |
| ---- | ---- |
| data | data |
| data | data |


{{< hint [info|warning|alert] >}}
**Markdown content**\
Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture.
 Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re.
{{< /hint >}}

Images & video

To include static media, either put them in /static folder first (only applies for global site assets) OR create a page bundle (in short: convert .md file to folder of the same name + it's content into + put all assets to be inluded in the same folder - you can then reference them relatively to the file).

{{< image src="image.png" class="side-thumb" [alt="desc"] [caption="caption"] >}}

{{< video webm="video.webm" mp4="video.mp4" [alt="desc"] [caption="caption"] >}}

List tagged articles

To get a list of articles tagged with e.g. "important" use:

{{< list-articles important >}}


{{< columns >}}
  # first column
  # second column
{{< /columns >}}


{{< tabs "uniqueid" >}}
{{< tab "Windows" >}} # Windows Content {{< /tab >}}
{{< tab "macOS" >}} # macOS Content {{< /tab >}}
{{< tab "Linux" >}} # Linux Content {{< /tab >}}
{{< /tabs >}}


  • since this Hugo-based wiki has slightly different file/folder and link structure than the former Dokuwiki, links to pages that didn't match are solved via aliases parameter in articles' frontmatter


Menus are defined in data/menu/main.yml and ../more.yml


  • image galleries/lightboxes (Learn > Privacy > TX types)
  • Matomo analytics?


Based on @xoxys/hugo-geekdoc