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Zulip ChatGPT bot

Mostly ChatGPT generated experimental bot. You can read a related blog article.

How to use the bot

As it's a Chat bot style, it works in a conversation. This context may affect future questions, so if you want to start new conversation, you can use this:


Write !help to a bot / mention him, to print this message:

# ChatGPT Assistant
This is a chatbot assistant that uses OpenAI's ChatGPT API to generate responses to your messages.

## How to use

To use the bot, simply mention it in a message, e.g. @**{bot}** hello!. The bot will then generate a response and send it back to you.
You can also write a private message to the bot without mentioning it.

## Subcommands

Subcommands are words starting with an exclamation mark, e.g. `!new`.
You can use the following subcommands to control the bot:

### General:
- `!help` - show this help message

### Context:
- `!topic` - use context from the current topic (default behaviour; subcommand not implemented/needed)
- `!stream` - use context from the current stream
- `!new` - start a new conversation; no previous context (the bot will use context from the previous conversation by default which may affect the generated response)
- `!contexts` - list all available contexts (e.g. `!cicada`, `!frankie`) and their values

Example custom defined context: `!cicada` - add system context for Cicada; this may provide more accurate responses

### Model:
- `!gpt3` - use GPT-3.5 Turbo (default; 4K tokens, up to 2.5K for input)
- `!gpt4` - use GPT-4 (8K tokens, up to 6K for input)

### Global settings (admins only):
- `!set` - (not implemented yet) show current settings
- `!set context <name> <value> - upsert a context like !cicada. Example: `!set context cicada Cicada is a business wallet`
- `!unset context <name>` - delete a context

### User settings (not implemented yet):
- `!me` - show your current settings
- `!me model gpt3` - set your default model to GPT-3.5 Turbo
- `!me model gpt4` - set your default model to GPT-4

## Example usage
- `@{bot} !gpt4 !stream Can you summarise previous messages?` - use GPT-4 and context from the current stream
- `@{bot} !new I have a question...` - start a new conversation using GPT-3.5 Turbo and no context (previous messages will be ignored)

Bot version: {version}

New conversation

To start a new conversation (as it fetches the history for up to 6K tokens, depends on the model and settings) just write !new subcommand anywhere in the message.


Message: new My name is XY.
Message: @GPT new My name is XY.
Message: @GPT new New day is coming. How are you?

Generally + Private message

You can simply write a direct message to the bot, and he will answer your prompt.


# Conversation; all possible messages until the token `new` are sent in the conversation
Message: new My name is XY.
GPT: ...
Message: What is my name?

# Single prompt; only the current prompt is being sent
Message: new My name is XY.
GPT: ...
Message: new What is my name?

Public + private streams

You will need to active the bot by mentioning him, like @GPT

Those activations are then being replaced in the prompt.

To start a new conversation, you can do the same thing like in private messages.

For private streams

Warning: I have not fully tested it with private streams yet, but there may be problems if the stream's history is Protected and bot is added as a subscriber there.


# Conversation; e.g. with previous messages
Message: @GPT !new My name is XY.
GPT: ...
Message: @GPT What is my name?

# Single prompt; only the current prompt is being sent without previous context
Message: My name is XY. @GPT
GPT: ...
# as the !new subcommand is used, GPT will not know your name
Message: @GPT !new What is my name?

Running the bot

Steps to do:

  1. Add Zulip Generic bot called GPT, and download/update the .zuliprc
  2. Obtain OpenAI API key
  3. Install python3, pip and git
  4. (optional) Create virtual env

git clone
cd zulip-chatgpt-bot

cp .env-example .env
nano .env # fill OPENAI_API_KEY

cp .zuliprc-example .zuliprc
nano .zuliprc # replace with your config

python3 -m venv env # optional
source env/bin/activate # optional

pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. You may also want to modify the bot role in .env which says: "You are an internal chatbot assistant in a software development company."

Running the bot in Docker container

docker build -t zulip-chatgpt-bot .
docker-compose up -d