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forked from Expl0dingCat/Ame

A lightweight AI assistant framework written in JavaScript and designed to be API-compatible with Expl0dingCat's Ame.


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Tsuyu (梅雨)

Tsuyu is a lightweight virtual assistant framework based off Ame's design. While Tsuyu isn't particularly customizable at the moment, it provides a functional, fast alternative to Ame for those with less powerful systems and those who don't wish to work with Python. Tsuyu is also typically easier to install, and has features that Ame doesn't (like streaming and vision).

Tsuyu is currently in a preliminary state, and there may be bugs. Please join the Ame Discord server if you wish to report any issues.

Why Try Tsuyu?

For certain users, Tsuyu may provide key advantages over Ame, such as:

  • A simpler interface. Tsuyu's design is centered around providing lightweight interfaces that can quickly be turned into working assistant prototypes.
  • Lighter resource usage and faster generations. While Ame is meant to be run on enterprise-grade hardware, Tsuyu can run on ordinary consumer hardware. A simple gaming PC (without an RTX GPU) or Mac is oftentimes enough to get generations within just 20-30 seconds. Additionally, Tsuyu is intended for use with LLMs from 7B down to 0.5B, Tsuyu's TTS model is dozens of times smaller than Ame's, and Tsuyu's STT model is also smaller. Even with STT, TTS, and Vision enabled, Tsuyu can often run much faster than Ame.
  • JavaScript interfacing. Ame is written fully in Python, but Tsuyu is written fully in JavaScript and designed to be integrated with JS from the bottom-up. If you don't want to write Python, Tsuyu provides massive advantages.
  • A more functional server/client interface. Ame doesn't currently provide a functional web interface, but Tsuyu does (note that Ame will have an API and web UI on par with Tsuyu's in the future). Additionally, as Tsuyu is written by a web developer, Tsuyu's interfaces are more in line with current standards.
  • Streaming. Tsuyu currently provides streaming in the controller, web API, and web UI. Ame currently does not.
  • Crude vision. Tsuyu supports simple, basic vision using ViT + GPT-2. Ame does not, although vision support is planned for the future.
  • High levels of support. Users can go into the Ame Discord and get quick, fast, and helpful support from the Tsuyu dev.
  • Easier installation. Tsuyu is typically faster to get running than Ame.
  • No licensing. Tsuyu's core and Tsuyu's example modules are entirely in the public domain.

We recommend Tsuyu for the following types of users:

  • Users who do not need fine-grained control.
  • Users who do not need extremely accurate generations.
  • Users who do not mind a more simplistic and less fleshed out API.
  • Users who are fine with less accurate, monolingual TTS.
  • Users who are not on enterprise hardware or who want quick generations.
  • Users who want access to one integrated pipeline without much fuss.
  • New users who don't want the complexity that comes with Ame.
  • Users who want public domain software.

However, Ame may be more appropriate for these kinds of users:

  • Users who need highly accurate generations.
  • Users who need low-level control. While Tsuyu does provide direct access to its models through the component, Ame allows for far more control.
  • Users running enterprise-grade applications. Tsuyu is not stable at the moment, and Ame is more tweakable than Tsuyu.
  • Users who are more comfortable in Python. Tsuyu can be interfaced with in Python through its web API, but the current web API does not provide the same control as the JavaScript interface.
  • Users who want strict control over prompting. Ame is better for this use case.

Overall, we recommend you evaluate your use case to figure out which one is better for you. However, for a lot of users, Tsuyu may be the better alternative.

Installing Tsuyu

Tsuyu is easier to run than Ame, but it'll still require a bit of work. You will need node and npm installed. Here are the steps:

  1. Download the Tsuyu repository (git clone [email protected]:parabirb/Tsuyu.git or git clone
  2. Run npm install in the Tsuyu repository.
  3. If you are not on Mac and want to use CUDA, you will need to download the relevant binary for your OS. If you're on Mac or do not have a NVIDIA GPU, you can skip this step. To do this, simply run npx --no node-llama-cpp download --cuda in the Tsuyu repository. If you get an error, run npm install node-llama-cpp and try again.
  4. Create a models folder inside the Tsuyu repository, then download your preferred LLM (it must be a chat finetune) in GGUF format and move it into the folder. We currently recommend anything in the Qwen1.5 lineup, including the small models (down to 0.5B!).
  5. Write your config file to config.json. An example is provided in config.example.json.
  6. If you are using long-term memory, you will have to set an initial memory. You can do this by modifying initial_document.txt.
  7. You're ready to work with Tsuyu! As Tsuyu is an officially supported port of Ame, you can join the Discord server if you have any questions or need help.

Note: STT will not work unless you have ffmpeg installed on your system. If you are on Windows, click here for instructions on how to install ffmpeg. Mac users can install ffmpeg through Homebrew, and Linux users can install ffmpeg through their package manager.

Installing the Tsuyu Web UI

Tsuyu's web UI is provided (and must be installed) separately. Below are the instructions:

  1. In another folder, download the Tsuyu WebUI repository (git clone [email protected]:parabirb/Tsuyu-WebUI.git or git clone
  2. Run npm install, then npm run build in the Tsuyu WebUI repository.
  3. Move the build folder in the Tsuyu WebUI repository to the Tsuyu repository.
  4. You can now use the web UI. Just do node . in the Tsuyu folder, and a link to the interface will be provided in the console.


You should save a config to config.json. An example is provided to you in config.example.json. Below is a detailed description of each parameter.

  • port: A number with the port to run the web API on. You can omit this if you aren't running the web interface.
  • forwarding: A boolean that determines whether Tsuyu's web interface will run a reverse proxy (similar to ngrok) or not. If you aren't using the web interface, it's safe to omit this.
  • token: The token for Tsuyu's Discord bot. You can omit this if you aren't using the Discord integration.
  • channel: The channel where you'll be running Tsuyu's Discord bot. You can also omit this if you aren't using the Discord integration.
  • memory: Determines whether long-term memory is enabled or not. Set this to true if you wish to enable memory, and false if you do not. Enabling memory may cause some LLM-related bugs.
  • modules: Determines whether modules are enabled. Set this to true to enable modules, and false to leave them disabled. Please note that enabling modules will increase VRAM usage, as two separate LLaMA contexts have to be created. Additionally, LLaMA will be called twice per generation.
  • memoryDocs - Determines how many memories the memory component will feed to the LLM on each generation. You can omit this if you have long-term memory disabled.
  • useSummarizer and historyPieces - useSummarizer determines the type of short-term memory (chat history) Tsuyu will use. If set to true, Tsuyu will call LLaMA to summarize the chatlogs once they get longer than historyPieces tokens. If set to false, Tsuyu will use a simple window-based chat history, keeping the last historyPieces input/output pairs in short-term memory. These options do NOT impact long-term memory.
  • llamaConfig - This is the config passed to llama.cpp when Tsuyu creates a LlamaModel. See the node-llama-cpp docs for more info.
  • contextConfig - This is passed to node-llama-cpp when Tsuyu creates a LlamaContext. See the node-llama-cpp docs for more info.
  • params - These are the parameters passed to node-llama-cpp when generating a response. As always, see the node-llama-cpp docs for more info.
  • llm - The filename of the LLM to use. Note that your LLM should be in GGUF format, should be a chat finetune, and should be in the models directory.
  • hfModel - This should be the name of the HuggingFace repository containing your model (or the closest thing to it). This is used to automatically detect the correct prompt format for the model you're using, so it's essential that you pick the right one.
  • stt - The HuggingFace repository to retrieve the STT model from. We recommend that you leave this as Xenova/whisper-small. However, if accuracy doesn't matter, you can set this to Xenova/whisper-tiny or Xenova/whisper-tiny.en. Omitting this will disable speech-to-text.
  • tts - The HuggingFace repository to retrieve the TTS model from. We recommend using either Xenova/speecht5_tts or Xenova/mms-tts-eng. Omitting this will disable text-to-speech.
  • vision - The HuggingFace repository to retrieve the vision model from. You should probably leave this as Xenova/vit-gpt2-image-captioning if you want vision to work well. Omitting this will disable vision.
  • embeddings - The HuggingFace repository to fetch the embedding model from. Unless you know what you're doing, we recommend leaving this as Xenova/all-MiniLM-L6-v2. You can omit this if you have long-term memory disabled, but we recommend not doing so.
  • ttsEmbeddings - The URL to retrieve the TTS embedding model from. If you want to use TTS, leave this as You can omit this if you don't want to use TTS.
  • prompt - The prompt fed to the LLM. This should contain everything the LLM needs to know about the intended personality and output. Think of it like prompting gpt-3.5-turbo or similar.

Tsuyu Controller

If you don't wish to use a web API, Tsuyu also provides you a controller you can directly interface with. Example usage is below:

import Controller from "./controller.js";

const controller = new Controller();
await controller.init();

console.log(await controller.generate("Hello, world!"));

Controller is a class, which, as the example suggests, is provided in controller.js. The methods it provides are below:

  • constructor() - Creates the controller, but does not initialize it.
  • async init() - Initializes the controller (including AI models), making it ready for use.
  • async vision(input: String, imagePath: String) - Only works if vision is enabled in the config. Runs a full vision pipeline on the text input and image at the provided image path, returning an object with two keys:
    • output - The output of the LLM.
    • tts - true if TTS was generated, false if it was not. If generated, the TTS output is located at cwd/ame_speech.wav.
  • async audio(audioPath: String) - Only works if STT is enabled in the config. Runs the full audio pipeline on the audio at the given path, returning an object with three keys:
    • input - A transcription of the audio.
    • output - The LLM's output.
    • tts - true if generated (output at cwd/ame_speech.wav), false if not.
  • async text(input: String) - Runs the full text pipeline on the given input, returning an object with two keys:
    • output - The LLM output.
    • tts - true if generated and saved to cwd/ame_speech.wav, false if not.
  • async see(imagePath: String) - Only works if vision is enabled in the config. Runs the vision model on the image at imagePath and returns a string with the generated caption.
  • async listen(audioPath: String) - Only works if STT is enabled in the config. Runs the STT model on the audio at audioPath and returns a string with the transcript.
  • async speak(text: String) - Only works if TTS is enabled in the config. Runs the TTS model on the text. Returns true if audio was successfully generated and saved to cwd/ame_speech.wav.
  • async generate(input: String) - Passes the given input to the LLM, and returns the output, skipping STT and TTS. The module pipeline will still run if enabled.

Additionally, the controller comes with two useful properties:

  • emitter: EventEmitter - An event emitter for streaming. Emits chunk events with data whenever a chunk is received from the LLM.
  • model: Wrapper - An interface for directly working with the LLM, in case you want to skip Tsuyu's prompting and pipelines. Only powerusers should use this interface. The model class implements the invoke and stream functions from LangChain.js's ChatLlamaCpp.

Tsuyu Web API Endpoints

Tsuyu's web interface currently provides five API endpoints.

  • GET /ame_speech.wav will return the last line spoken by Ame, if there is one.
  • POST /api/v1/text with a JSON body of { input: String } will feed the text to the LLM and provide a JSON output with two keys.
    • output - A string containing the output of the LLM run.
    • tts - A boolean, true if TTS is enabled and TTS was generated, false if otherwise.
  • POST /api/v1/full with a multipart/form-data body where recording is any type of audio file will feed the recording to the STT and provide a JSON output with three keys. Note that if STT is disabled, this endpoint will simply provide dummy output instead of erroring.
    • input - A string containing the STT model's transcription of the recording.
    • output - A string containing the LLM's generation.
    • tts - A boolean to indicate whether TTS was generated or not.
  • POST /api/v1/vision with a multipart/form-data body where image is any type of image and input is a string with text input will feed the image and the text to the LLM (with the image being passed to the vision model first), providing a JSON output with two keys. If vision is disabled, this endpoint will provide dummy output instead of erroring.
    • output - A string containing the output of the LLM.
    • tts - A boolean indicating whether TTS was generated or not.
  • GET /api/v1/sse will start a server-side events stream. Whenever a chunk is generated by the LLM, it will be passed through the stream.

Tsuyu Modules

Much like Ame, Tsuyu provides an interface for modules. Users are expected to provide their own modules. Thus, no packages for modules will be provided.

HOWEVER, Tsuyu does have an example of how to implement modules.

Here's what you need to know:

  • All modules should go in the modules folder.
  • Your modules folder should have an index.js, with the default export being an array of the modules you want enabled.
  • A module should be an object with four properties:
    • title: This is the title of the module that the LLM will use when calling it. Your title should ideally be lowercase.
    • function: This is the function that will be called when the LLM attempts to run the module. This function must take an object. Your function should return a sentence that the LLM can read.
    • description: This is the description of the module that will be given to the LLM. It should simply say what the module does.
    • args: This is another object, which contains the arguments that the LLM needs to provide to the module to call it. The object's keys should be the names of each argument that must be passed to the function, and the values under the keys should be descriptions of the relevant arguments.

To see all of this in action, check the example weather module out.

Progress & Roadmap

As a reimplementation of Ame v1's features, Tsuyu has the same goals. Below is a chart of our progress:

🔴 Planned | 🟡 In progress | 🟢 Finished

Core (v1)

Component Status
Speech-to-text 🟢
Text-to-speech 🟢
Long-term memory 🟢
Primary controller 🟢
Module handler 🟢
Server/client interface 🟢

Extensions (v1)

Component Status
Client UI 🟢
Discord interface 🟢
Documentation 🟢

Additional features

Component Status
Context summarization 🟢
Streaming 🟢
Reverse proxy 🟢
Vision 🟢
UI revamp 🔴
Installer 🔴
Logging 🟡


This project would not be possible without LangChain.js, node-llama-cpp, Transformers.js, CloseVector, and fluent-ffmpeg.


A lightweight AI assistant framework written in JavaScript and designed to be API-compatible with Expl0dingCat's Ame.








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