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Terraform Script for Basic AKS Cluster

Lint Code Base

Service Principal

The template needs at least one service principal to access Azure storage that keeping terraform tfstate file and create AKS cluster resources in an Azure subscription.

Create Service Principal

Create service principal and grant Contributor permission over a subscription that will you want to deploy AKS cluster within.

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "http://your-sp-name" --role "Contributor" --scope "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}"

Grant Permission

If storage account is in another subscription, you have to grant additional permission to the storage account.

az role assignment create --assignee "{service-principal-id}" --role "Contributor" --scope "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{storage-account}"

List permission to verify

az role assignment list --all --assignee "{service-principal-id}" --subscription "{subscription-id}" --output table

Azure AD Group

An Azure AD group is required by the template to give initial access to AKS cluster as cluster admin.

Create Azure AD Group

group_id=$(az ad group create --display-name "<group-name>" --mail-nickname "<group-name>" | jq -r ".objectId")

Add Member to Azure AD Group

member_id=$(az ad user list --upn "<email address>" --query '[0].objectId' --output tsv)
az ad group member add --group "${group_id}" --member-id "${member_id}"

List Member in Azure AD Group

az ad group member list --group "${group_id}" --query '[].userPrincipalName'

Remove Member from Azure AD Group

member_id=$(az ad user list --upn "<email address>" --query '[0].objectId' --output tsv)
az ad group member remove --group "${group_id}" --member-id "${member_id}"

Azure DevOps Pipeline

  1. Create a new environment in Azure Pipeline. You can optionally setup an approval, if you want.

  2. Create an Azure Pipeline running against this repo with the following variables:

Terraform Backend Configuration

Variable Name Description
backendAzureRmSubscriptionId Azure Subscription ID
backendAzureRmTenantId Azure Tenant ID
backendAzureRmClientId Service Principal ID
backendAzureRmClientSecret Service Principal Secret
backendAzureRmResourceGroupName Resource Group Name
backendAzureRmStorageAccountName Storage Account Name
backendAzureRmContainerName Storage Container Name
backendAzureRmKey Storage Key Name e.g. terraform.tfstate

AKS Cluster Configuration

Variable Name Description
subscriptionId Azure Subscription ID
tenantId Azure Tenant ID
servicePrincipleId Service Principal ID
servicePrincipleSecret Service Principal Secret
aksResourceGroupName Resource Group Name
aksLocation Resource Location
aksClusterName AKS Cluster Name
aksAdminGroupID Azure AD Group ID to assign as AKS cluster admin
aksNodeSize AKS Default Node Size e.g. Standard_B2ms
aksNodeCount AKS Default Node Count e.g. 2
resourceTags Resource Tags e.g. {name1="value1",name2="value2"}
kubeVersion Kubernetes version of the control pane and node pool

Other Configuration

Variable Name Description
environmentName Azure DevOps Environment Name
clusterIssuerContactEmail Let's Encrypt Cluster Issuer Contact Email
  1. Run the pipeline. If you setup an approval, it will need one before apply changes in the last stage

Terraform CLI

  1. Initialize Terraform with AzureRM as backend configuration
terraform init \
    -backend-config=storage_account_name=<backendAzureRmStorageAccountName> \
    -backend-config=container_name=<backendAzureRmContainerName> \
    -backend-config=key=<backendAzureRmKey> \
    -backend-config=resource_group_name=<backendAzureRmResourceGroupName> \
    -backend-config=subscription_id=<backendAzureRmSubscriptionId> \
    -backend-config=tenant_id=<backendAzureRmTenantId> \
    -backend-config=client_id=<backendAzureRmClientId> \
  1. Plan Terraform with variables
terraform plan -out=tfplan \
    -var subscription_id=<subscriptionId> \
    -var tenant_id=<tenantId> \
    -var client_id=<servicePrincipleId> \
    -var client_secret=<servicePrincipleSecret> \
    -var resource_group_name=<aksResourceGroupName> \
    -var location=<aksLocation> \
    -var aks_cluster_name=<aksClusterName> \
    -var aks_node_size=<aksNodeSize> \
    -var aks_node_count=<aksNodeCount> \
    -var kubernetes_version=<kubeVersion> \
    -var admin_group_id=<aksAdminGroupID> \
    -var cluster_issuer_email=<clusterIssuerContactEmail> \
    -var tags='<resourceTags>' \
  1. Apply the Plan
terraform apply tfplan


failed calling webhook ""

Symptom: Got the error below while applying

Error: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": Post "https://cert-manager-webhook.cert-manager.svc:443/mutate?timeout=10s": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

on cluster_issuer/ line 1, in resource "helm_release" "cluster-issuer":
1: resource "helm_release" "cluster-issuer" {

Resolution: Try applying again


Terraform Script for Basic AKS cluster







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