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P4 version 7.0.1, November 2017

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@oscarsaleta oscarsaleta released this 15 Nov 09:00
· 925 commits to master since this release


New features

  • The Save button now saves more! The parameters were already stored, but now also the current state and geometry of the main and plot windows are saved, and also all the zoom windows, output window (the output is stored and there is no need of re-evaluating), and view finite and infinite results panels. All is stored in a "name.conf" file besides the other files generated by P4, and loaded back when the Load button is pressed.
  • Now you can select the colour of the plots background between black (default) and white (which looks like the printed images). This setting is located in About P4... > Main settings.
  • Now you can also select the colour scheme of the printed images (black or white, same as with the plot window). This setting is located in the Print window that is open from the plot panel.

Removed features

  • Parameters and Vector field buttons, that were used to hide parts of the UI and were not really necessary.
  • The "small arrow button" that was used to hide all the UI except the top buttons and name field was also removed.


  • The plot window now adapts to the size of the toolbars, so no buttons are hidden depending on the theme of the operative system.

Bug fixes

  • Due to an API change of Qt for versions > 5.5, there was an error in P4 v7.0.0-beta that prevented compilation in systems with older Qt versions. This has now been addressed.

New dependencies

  • Boost library is now needed by P4, because the implementation of the linked list of zoom windows (so we can keep track of the currently open zoom windows) was changed to a more robust one (and one that allowed saving and restoring the information from a file). The Unix compile-install script now checks for this dependency and suggest installation instructions if it is not found. Windows users won't need to worry about this dependency unless they want to compile P4 themselves.

Planned future features

  • Next major release (v8.x.x): we will integrate the P5 features (Piecewise P4) into this version of P4.


Installation instructions

Compile and install (recommended):

  1. Check dependencies for Linux systems,
  2. git clone && cd P4, or just cd into the P4 source directory if you already cloned this repository previously.
  3. Optional: if you want exactly this version of P4 (v7.0.1) and don't want to risk the possibility of installing a higher version of the software, do one of the following options
    3.1 Using git: git fetch --all --tags --prune && git checkout tags/v7.0.1 -b local_v7.0.1
    3.2 Downloading source: download the compressed source code from the bottom of this page (zip or tar.gz format) and extract it,
  4. Run ./compile_install_p4 and follow the instructions,
  5. Done!

Binary install (needs Qt 5.9.1, see #Compilers used section):

  1. Download P4_linux_v7.0.1.tar.gz,
  2. Extract the file (from command line: tar -xvzf P4_linux_v7.0.1.tar.gz),
  3. Copy the extracted folder to a place of your choice (we will call it /path/to/p4),
  4. Create symlink for sumtables directory: ln -s /path/to/p4/sumtables /path/to/p4/sum_tables,
  5. Add export P4_DIR=/path/to/p4 to your .bashrc (or to the configuration file for your specific shell)
  6. Done!


  • the compile and install method will install the latest version of P4 if done through git (skipping step 3), but if you use the git tag, .tar.gz or the binary methods, only this current version will be installed
  • the binary installation will not check for any dependencies and the program might not work for your system.
  • check out the FAQ if you have problems, or create an issue if your problem isn't answered there.


  1. From the P4 git directory (git clone && cd P4 if needed), execute ./compile_install_p4 --uninstall.
  2. Undo any changes you made to .bashrc or other shell configuration files.
  3. Done!

If you used the binary installation, simply remove the files that you placed during the installation and undo any changes you made to .bashrc or other shell configuration files.


Installation instructions

Compile and install (recommended):

  1. Install dependencies for macOS:
    1.1. Install Xcode from the App Store and open it to accept the Terms of Use
    1.2. Install the command-line tools from Terminal: xcode-select --install
    1.3. Install the Homebrew package manager
    1.4. Install Qt from Terminal using Homebrew:
    1. brew install qt
    2. Add the install directory to the PATH environment variable: echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/qt/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc (change .bashrc for your shell configuration file if you do not use the default Bash shell).
      1.5. Install MPFR from Terminal using Homebrew: brew install mpfr
      1.6. Install Boost libraries from Terminal using Homebrew: brew install boost
  2. Restart the terminal for the changes to take effect
  3. git clone && cd P4, or just cd into the P4 source directory and git checkout master && git pull if you already cloned this repository previously.
  4. Optional: if you want exactly this version of P4 (v7.0.1) and don't want to risk the possibility of installing a higher version of the software, do one of the following options
    4.1 Using git: git fetch --all --tags --prune && git checkout tags/v7.0.1 -b local_v7.0.1
    4.2 Downloading source: download the compressed source code from the bottom of this page (zip or tar.gz format) and extract it,
  5. Run ./compile_install_p4 and follow the instructions,
  6. Done!

Binary install (needs Qt 5.9.1, see #Compilers used section):

  1. Install dependencies for macOS binary installation:
    1.1. Install the Homebrew package manager
    1.2. Install Qt from Terminal using Homebrew: brew install qt and add the install directory to the PATH environment variable
  2. Download and extract it
  3. Copy the extracted folder to a place of your choice (we will call it /path/to/p4),
  4. Create symlink for sumtables directory using Terminal: ln -s /path/to/p4/sumtables /path/to/p4/sum_tables,
  5. Add export P4_DIR=/path/to/p4 to your .bashrc (or to the configuration file for your specific shell)
  6. Done!


  • the compile and install method will install the latest stable version of P4 if done through git (skipping step 4), but the if you use the git tag, .zip or the binary methods, only this current version will be installed
  • the binary installation will not check for any dependencies and the program might not work for your system.
  • check out the FAQ if you have problems, or create an issue if your problem isn't answered there.


  1. From the P4 git directory (git clone && cd P4 if needed), execute ./compile_install_p4 --uninstall.
  2. Undo any changes you made to .bashrc or other shell configuration files.
  3. Done!

If you used the binary installation, simply remove the files that you placed during the installation and undo any changes you made to .bashrc or other shell configuration files.


Installation instructions

  1. Download P4_windows-setup_v7.0.1.exe,
  2. Execute installer and follow the instructions,
  3. Done!


  • check out the FAQ if you have problems, or create an issue if your problem isn't answered there.


  1. Uninstall through Control Panel

VirusTotal scans and SHA256 hashes:


SHA-256: f56d2722cd9cb2cddf9211509d048b51a8d589a2f006987190805203bba96c3c
P4_linux_v7.0.1.tar.gz VirusTotal scan.


SHA-256: 657a9c85ac7346fc5b27812420e17b3588573dc9c471da62dd1e26f298e92586 VirusTotal scan.


SHA-256: de2aac2e0e4355d219153f54a8b2c5a26d61b9ada2dd353d7f8baa4ae6433d35
P4_windows-setup_v7.0.1.exe VirusTotal scan

Compilers used

Linux (P4_linux_v7.0.1.tar.gz)

  • Qt version: 5.9.1,
  • QMake version: 3.1
  • C++ compiler: gcc 7.2.0

macOS (

  • Qt version: 5.9.1
  • QMake version: 3.1
  • C++ compiler: Apple LLVM 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.37)

Windows (P4_windows-setup_v7.0.1.exe)

  • Qt version: 5.9.1
  • QMake version: 3.1
  • C++ compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 15.0 (amd64)

About 64-bit architecture

All released binaries are 64-bit, for 32-bit binaries you must compile the software in your own machine using a 32-bit C++ compiler.