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RESTful API ContosoUniversity Backend using AspNetCore.Identity and OpenID Connect

  • ASP.NET Core 2.0
  • Entity Framework Core 2.0
  • Code First Migration
  • OpenIdConnect.Server
  • AspNetCore.Identity 2.0
  • EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
  • Automapper

Referenced Microsoft and chsakell's REST API best practice


  1. Clone or download this project
  2. Click ContosoUniversity.sln and open with Visual Studio 2017
  3. Navigate to Build - Rebuild Solution
  4. Navigate to Tools - Extensions and Updates..
  5. Search for Open Command Line and install (restart Visual Studio)
  6. Click on ContosoUniversity.API project on the Solution Explorer, and press ALT + SPACE to open up CLI
  7. Run this migration command: dotnet ef migrations add InitialDatabase -c ContosoContext
  8. Run another command which creates database: dotnet ef database update -c ContosoContext
  9. In Startup.cs, uncomment seeder.InitializeData().Wait(); from Configure method
  10. Press F5 to run the project. (Make sure ContosoUniversity.API is set as startup project)

Best Practice

  • Separation of concerns is widely applied so the codes are not tightly coupled. (Ex: repository patterns)
  • Used Automapper to prevent from over-posting attacks
  • Fluent validation is used
  • RESTful HTTP API using JSON as a data format
  • JWT(JSON Web Tokens) based security (Authentication, Authorization & API calls)

Test API

Use Postman or other API testing tools

  • Retrieve all instructors:

    GET http://localhost:51089/api/instructors

  • Access Apis based on a role (Admin or User):

    POST http://localhost:51089/connect/token

    Create Keys & Values in Body tab, x-www-form-urlencoded section using admin account and copy access_token value


 GET http://localhost:51089/api/admin where it is decorated with [Authorize(Roles = "Admin")] attribute.

Create Key & Value clicking Headers tab. Paste the access_token value in the Value textbox: Bearer eyjhb...



RESTful API ContosoUniversity using ASP.NET Core 2.0






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