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buildpacks Tekton Task

Tekton Task for the Buildpacks, to build a application from source code into a container image.


Please consider a example usage to build Paketo's Node.js sample below. The Pipeline uses task-git (0.0.1) to clone the repository:

kind: Pipeline
metadata: {}
    - name: source

    - name: IMAGE
      type: string
      description: Fully qualified image name, including tag

    # Cloning the git repository (URL) onto the "source" workspace.
    - name: git
        name: git
        - name: output
          workspace: source
        - name: URL

    # Running the buildpacks' CNB on the source code to build the container
    # image (IMAGE param).
    - name: buildpacks
        name: buildpacks
        - git
        - name: source
          workspace: source
        - name: SUBDIRECTORY
          value: nodejs/npm
        - name: IMAGE
          value: $(params.IMAGE)

Please consider the Workspaces, Parameters and Results described below.

Container Registry Authentication

The buildpacks Task needs credentials to communicate with the Container Registries to publish the images created by the CNB (IMAGE param), and also, to optionally store cached data (CACHE_IMAGE param).

Please consider Tekton Pipeline documentation to setup the Container Registry authentication.


Workspace Optional Description
source false Application source-code.
cache true Cache directory, alternative to the CACHE_IMAGE param.
bindings true Extra bindings, CA certificate bundle files.


Contains the application source code, please consider task-git to handle the Git repository clone. The param SUBDIRECTORY defines a relative path on this Workspace to be used as application's source code alternatively, as the usage example shows.


Contains the build cache to be reused on subsequent executions. Caching can also be achieved using the CACHE_IMAGE param to store the cache data as a container image.

Considering the nature of the cached data, it's recommended to use a Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim.


Workspace for the extra binding certificates needed for the application runtime. The files present on this Workspace matching BINDINGS_GLOB will be copied into SERVICE_BINDING_ROOT, where the CNB picks up the binding files.

For instance, the following Secret carries a example.pem file:

kubectl create secret generic buildpacks-ex --from-file="example.pem=/path/to/example.pem"

Given the param BINDINGS_GLOB is set to pick up *.pem files, then you can mount the "buildpacks-ex" Secret on the Task's bindings workspace.


Param Type Default Description
IMAGE string (required) Application's container image name, and tag.
BUILDER_IMAGE string Cloud Native Builder (CNB) container image name (and tag).
CNB_PLATFORM_API string 0.11 Lifecycle platform API compatibility version.
SUBDIRECTORY string "" (empty) Alternative CNB_APP_DIR directory, relative to the "source" Workspace.
ENV_VARS array [] (empty) Environment variables to set during "build-time".
PROCESS_TYPE string web Application process type.
BINDINGS_GLOB string *.pem Extra binding file name(s) (glob expression) present on the bindings Workspace to be copied into SERVICE_BINDING_ROOT directory.
RUN_IMAGE string "" (empty) Reference to a run image to use.
CACHE_IMAGE string "" (empty) The name of the persistent cache image (when cache workspace is not provided).
SKIP_RESTORE string false Do not write layer metadata or restore cached layers.
USER_ID string 1000 CNB container image user-id (UID).
GROUP_ID string 1000 CNB container image group-id (GID).
VERBOSE string false Turns on verbose logging, all commands executed will be printed out.


Result Description
IMAGE_DIGEST Reported IMAGE digest.
IMAGE_URL Reported fully qualified container image name.