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Touch Portal .Net SDK

Nuget Nuget (with prereleases)

Touch Portal SDK for making plugins in .Net

Build from documentation at Touch Portal Plugin API.

Getting started:

The simplest way of getting started, is to implement the ITouchPortalEventHandler and use TouchPortalFactory to create a client. And then Connect to Touch Portal before sending or receiving events.

public class SamplePlugin : ITouchPortalEventHandler
    public string PluginId => "Plugin.Id"; //Replace "Plugin.Id" with your unique id.

    private readonly ITouchPortalClient _client;

    public SamplePlugin()
        _client = TouchPortalFactory.CreateClient(this);

    public void Run()

More information on the Wiki, or see the Sample project in this repository.

[Work in progress] Extensions

Repository: TouchPortalSDK.Extensions

The TouchPortalSDK is ment to be the basic simple SDK, but there is an extended version aim to be like the Java SDK.

  • Automatic generation of
  • Automatic generation of .tpp package file.

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