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Learn by doing - GNU Scientific Library, and Generating Covariance Matrices for Kalman Filters

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test_gsl AKA covar

0. First things

Ensure that gsl is installed: sudo apt-get install libgsl2 libgsl-dev libgsl-dbg gsl-bin

1. Getting the package

Do the following to add to the src of your ROS workspace (i.e. catkin_ws if you kept the dirname from ROS tutorial), almost as you would any other package - we're going to give this repo's dirname "covar" instead of "test_gsl".

  • cd path/to/catkin_ws/src; git clone -b ROSify covar

2. Installation

catkin_make as usual:

  • cd path/to/catkin_ws; catkin_make

Please note RE: the loam_velodyne package

  • Although covar is a general std_msgs/Odometry republisher, it was built with loam_velodyne in mind.
    • Note that its build instructions specifies the -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release flag. Please obey this, otherwise your loam_velodyne node will not work!
  • Note that loam_velodyne uses the XZ plane rather than the XY plane, so you'll to translate the axes. The covar launch file loam_velodyne_with_covar.launch creates the two static transforms you need, but if you want to run them yourself:
    1. Tie /camera_init to /world: rosrun tf2_ros static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 1.5708 /world /camera_init
    2. Tie /map to /world (assuming your map tf is /map): rosrun tf2_ros static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 /world /map

3. Running

As always, be sure to source the appropriate setup.bash file, i.e.

  • cd path/to/catkin_ws; source devel/setup.bash

You can run covar independently via rosrun:

  • rosrun covar covar_node

If you're using covar with loam_velodyne, you can run the following command:

  • roslaunch covar loam_velodyne_with_covar.launch

4. Service calls - this is why you "bought" it

Generate the covariance matrix with the following:

  • For pose only, 100 samples
    • rosservice call /gen_pose_covar 100
  • For twist only, 100 samples
    • rosservice call /gen_twist_covar 100
  • For pose and twist, 100 samples pose and 200 samples twist
    • rosservice call /gen_both_covar 100 200

5. Versioning

  • 0.1.0 (published 2018-11-01 via 6c56a64)
    • Republishes an input std_msgs/Odometry topic
      • Excludes the covariance of the input's messages
    • Generates covariances for pose and/or twist from the input std_msgs/Odometry topic
    • Accepts rosservice calls to perform covariance generation
  • 0.2.0 (ETA 2018-11-30)
    • Provide .launch file for ease of execution via roslaunch
    • rosparam-ify input and output topic
    • rosparam-ify covariance matrices for pose and twist
    • rosservice call for changing covariance matrices on-the-fly
  • 0.3.0 (ETA 2018-12-07)
    • Also generate covariance for accelerometer data

999. Dummy compilation note:

To compile, do the following:

g++ -std=c++11 src/file.cpp -lgsl -lgslcblas -Iinclude

Header files of the gsl library are located at /usr/include/gsl


Learn by doing - GNU Scientific Library, and Generating Covariance Matrices for Kalman Filters






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