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music player

Disclaimer: this project is in no way affiliated with spotify, nor is it trying to replicate the scale of it

I've had spotify premium for the past few months and it's great. I have all my music on a trusted platform that has a friend account system, playlist storage, local storage, and everything you'd expect from a music streaming service.

Cool, now imagine all that but the platform is really awful and untrusted (and no one uses it). That is seanify.

For what spotify premium is I feel it's relatively expensive and it's always fun to make your own stuff so I've started this project. I have a few spare servers laying around so may as well. Plus the name sounds cool.

Currently in it's really early stages, don't even try to run it unless you'd like to contribute.

This is just the backend of the application, these "features" are assuming the client has the ability to take in the data from the server and use it. It is ONLY displaying the capabilities of the backend. Writing clients is the next step after the backend is mostly complete. I plan on using react native.

If you have any experience with rust or react help would be appreciated!

wip react native client

  • Create accounts (and admin accounts) ✓
  • Stream music from a library on a server ✓
  • Download music from a library on a server ✓
  • User auth/login system ✓
  • Download single videos from youtube via yt-dlp + aria2c ✓
  • Control different players from instances under the same account ✓ (ex: control playback on Desktop from phone)
  • Public profiles, playlist, followers ✓
  • Postgresql data recovery/backup system of some sort, not sure since I'm new to sql/postgres
  • Downloading youtube playlist support
  • Downloading playlist from apple music/spotify
  • Small tui client in js
  • Usable gui client in react native ✓
  • Download music from Soundcloud
  • client app is relatively simple
  • able to support a few hundred people (not really built for a ton of scaling in mind)
  • despite the lack of ambition with scaling, I want it to be relatively fast/lightweight
  • big focus on keeping user data private where it can be
  • personally learn how to use sql, improve with react/ts/js and have fun with rust :)
Basic interaction

Communication is done through a websocket connection with the backend, request are sent and recieved to create an event based high level architecture. To send any data aside from signup/login you MUST BE LOGGED IN. Otherwise the request is ignored. If too many request are made from the same user, the user recieves a timeout and their request are voided until a configurable timer expires (RATE_BAN_IN_SECONDS env variable).

All single word request must have a space after them, this is a sideaffect of the message parsing code. In the future this may fixed.

Creating an account:

SIGN username password INSTANCE_KEY
// example request 
SIGN sean%ray pass123 %j3&sI

Logging in:

AUTH username password
// example request 
AUTH sean%ray pass123


// notice the space after PING
// example response
PONG 1653354630


FOLLOW username
// example request 
FOLLOW sean%ray
// response if successful


UNFOLLOW username 
// example request 
UNFOLLOW sean%ray
// response OK 

list server queue (list of songs that are going to be downloaded from yt-dlp):

// response OK
list of yt song urls

send all library data to client:

  • the timestamp is seconds since unix epoch, this allows the client to only recieve updates from certain time periods rather than a full send each time. To recieve the full list use 0 as the timestamp
// example request 
SYNC_LIB 1653354713
// example response - actual content will be minified
        "id": "16874385793765862563",
        "title": "Steve Lacy - Dark Red (Lyrics) \"Only you my girl, only you babe, only you darling\" [Tiktok Song]",
        "uploader": "Matrix Sound",
        "thumbnail": "",
        "album": "Steve Lacy's Demo",
        "album_artist": null,
        "artist": "Steve Lacy",
        "creator": "Steve Lacy",
        "upload_date": "20210721",
        "downloaded": true
        "id": "9079963758716579325",
        "title": "Always forever- Cults lyrics",
        "uploader": "can_i_hate_7u7",
        "thumbnail": "",
        "album": null,
        "album_artist": null,
        "artist": "Cults",
        "creator": "Cults",
        "upload_date": "20190908",
        "downloaded": true

find song hash from song name, yt uploader, and release date:

FIND_SONG name uploader date
// example request
FIND_SONG Always%forever-%Cults%lyrics can_i_hate_7u7 20190908
// example response 

// response OK
song hash

remove song from playlist:

REMOVE_SONG playlist%name, song%name, author, releasedate
// response OK
// response ERROR

add song to playlist:

ADD_SONG playlist%name, song%name, author, release_date
// response OK
// response ERROR

remove song from playlist via hash:

REMOVE_SONG_HASH playlist%name, song_hash 
// response OK
// response ERROR

add song to playlist via hash:

ADD_SONG_HASH playlist%name, song_hash 
// response OK
// response ERROR

edit playlist data:

// example payload 
	"name": "my playlist",
	"description": "tally hall <3",
	"public_playlist": false

EDIT_PLAYLIST playlist%name {"json": "payload"}
// response OK

remove playlist:

REMOVE_PLAYLIST playlist%name 
// response OK

playlist image:

note, the image must be base 64 encoded png and 400x400 pixels

SET_PLAYLIST_IMAGE playlist%name base64encodedimage
// response OK
// response ERROR

remove playlist image:

// response OK

playlist description:

SET_PLAYLIST_DESCRIPTION playlist%name playlist%description
// response OK
// response ERROR 

rename playlist:

RENAME_PLAYLIST playlist%name new%name
// response OK
// response ERROR 

resset pfp:

// response OK

set pfp:

note, the image must be base 64 encoded png and 400x400 pixels

SET_PFP base64

request userdata:

// example response 
{ "todo" }

update userdata:

UPDATE_USERDATA { "json": "payload" }
// response OK

request playlist:

REQUEST_PLAYLIST playlist%name 
// example response
	"name": "playlist",
	"description": "my cool playlist",
	"public_playlist": true
database layout

as you can tell from the highly advanced database schema this is a top of the line streaming service /s

All communication with clients are done through websockets (soon to be TLS after I figure out how to generate the keys correctly). A lot of the data sent back and forth is plaintext which allows for writing a simple client in many cases.

During runtime not a ton of data is stored of each user, in rust the only data stored is if the currently connected websocket connections are authenticated, a hash of the username, and if they're admin accounts.

All userdata is OPTIONAL, playlist (will be hopefully) can be only client side and never contact the server except to download or stream.

Soon IPs will be stored only temporarily in memory to provide a ratelimit on websocket calls.


When a new websocket client first connections if the first message sent over the socket is not either "AUTH username password" or "SIGN username password INSTANCE_KEY" the connection is closed.

usernames and passwords are hashed and might be hashed client side for extra security because more hashing is always better ofc.

When a signup request is sent, if there is a 5th argument that happens to be equal to the ADMIN_KEY env variable it creates an admin account. This will have more implications in the future™️.

INSTANCE_KEY is a configured value that prevents users who don't know it from making accounts or downloading music, think of an additional password.


My previous descriptions may have been slightly misleading, "streaming" does work, as you can download the music and play it back while it's downloading. Obviously you need to create a client to do this (future problem™️). Music files are hosted at /INSTANCE_KEY relative to the root url of the websocket. For example, over lan, let's say that the INSTANCE_KEY is set to hello. Music files can be accessed at

The Hash of the song will be obtained from either a database lookup or a lookup on a plain text mini copy of the database on each client (allows faster searches).

control playback from different instances

When certain commands are sent over the websocket all websocket clients that have the same username hash as the client that sent it are sent the command as well. There is no limit to how many instances you can have running at the same time on the same account (might add one soon).

public profile

This part is still in early development but data is synced to the server based on the client and can display similar to Discord/spotify. If you have a question about any of the userdata types please contact me!

ofc the public profile is entirely optional


lmao hf

If you would like to contribute please message me on Discord at NotCreative#0041, I'll give more detailed instructions on setup or if you have any suggestions please let me know.

Or you can raw dog it and attempt to figure it out yourself, all power to you. The provided Makefile has some setup commands.


GPL V3, if you would like this to be discussed please contact me.

Found a spelling mistake? Fix it in a PR or contact me on Discord!