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Simplified Java clone of prism-js. No rendering, no themes, no hooks, no plugins. But still a language parsing. Primary aim of this library is to provide a tokenization strategy of arbitrary syntaxes for later processing. Works on Android (great with Markwon - markdown display library).


Core module prism4j is a lightweight module that comes with API (no language definitions).


implementation "io.noties:prism4j:${prism_version}"
final Prism4j prism4j = new Prism4j(new MyGrammarLocator());
final Grammar grammar = prism4j.grammar("json");
if (grammar != null) {
    final List<Node> nodes = prism4j.tokenize(code, grammar);
    final AbsVisitor visitor = new AbsVisitor() {
            protected void visitText(@NonNull Prism4j.Text text) {
                // raw text

            protected void visitSyntax(@NonNull Prism4j.Syntax syntax) {
                // type of the syntax token

Where MyGrammarLocator can be as simple as:

public class MyGrammarLocator implements GrammarLocator {

    public Prism4j.Grammar grammar(@NonNull Prism4j prism4j, @NonNull String language) {
        switch (language) {

            case "json":
                return Prism_json.create(prism4j);

            // everything else is omitted

                return null;

And language definition:

import static java.util.regex.Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE;
import static java.util.regex.Pattern.compile;
import static io.noties.prism4j.Prism4j.grammar;
import static io.noties.prism4j.Prism4j.pattern;
import static io.noties.prism4j.Prism4j.token;

public class Prism_json {

  public static Prism4j.Grammar create(@NonNull Prism4j prism4j) {
    return grammar(
      token("property", pattern(compile("\"(?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"\\r\\n])*\"(?=\\s*:)", CASE_INSENSITIVE))),
      token("string", pattern(compile("\"(?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"\\r\\n])*\"(?!\\s*:)"), false, true)),
      token("number", pattern(compile("\\b0x[\\dA-Fa-f]+\\b|(?:\\b\\d+\\.?\\d*|\\B\\.\\d+)(?:[Ee][+-]?\\d+)?"))),
      token("punctuation", pattern(compile("[{}\\[\\]);,]"))),
      token("operator", pattern(compile(":"))),
      token("boolean", pattern(compile("\\b(?:true|false)\\b", CASE_INSENSITIVE))),
      token("null", pattern(compile("\\bnull\\b", CASE_INSENSITIVE)))


In order to simplify adding language definitions to your project there is a special module called prism4j-bundler that will automatically add requested languages.


annotationProcessor 'io.noties:prism4j-bundler:${prism_version}'

Please note that bundler can add languages that are ported (see ./languages folder for the list). Currently it supports:

  • brainf*ck
  • c
  • clike
  • clojure
  • cpp
  • csharp (dotnet)
  • css (+css-extras)
  • dart
  • git
  • go
  • groovy (no string interpolation)
  • java
  • javascript (js)
  • json (jsonp)
  • kotlin
  • latex
  • makefile
  • markdown
  • markup (xml, html, mathml, svg)
  • python
  • scala
  • sql
  • swift
  • yaml

Please see Contributing section if you wish to port a language.

    includes = { "clike", "java", "c" },
    grammarLocatorClassName = ".MyGrammarLocator"
public class MyClass {}

You can have multiple language bundles, just annotate different classes in your project. There are no special requirements for a class to be annotated (in can be any class in your project).

  • includes - indicates what supported languages to add to your project. Please use real language name (not an alias). So javascript instead of js; markup instead of xml.

  • grammarLocatorClassName - is the Java class name of generated GrammarLocator. It can start with a dot to put generated GrammarLocator to the same package as annotated element. Or be fully qualified Java name (starting with a package).


NB generated GrammarLocator will create languages when they are requested (aka lazy loading). Make sure this works for you by keeping as is or by manually triggering language creation via prism4j.grammar("my-language"); when convenient at runtime.


If you want to contribute to this project porting grammar definitions would be the best start. But before you begin please create an issue with language-support tag so others can see that a language is being worked at. This issue will be also the great place to discuss things that could arise whilst in process.

Language definitions are at the /languages folder (go down the io.noties.prism4j.languages package to find the files). A new file should follow simple naming convention: Prism_{real_language_name}.java. So, a definition for the json would be

In order to provide bundler with meta-information about a language @Aliases, @Extend and @Modify annotations can be used:

  • @Aliases specifies what aliases a language has. For example markup language has these: @Aliases({"html", "xml", "mathml", "svg"}). So when a GrammarLocator will be asked for a svg language the markup will be returned.
@Aliases({"html", "xml", "mathml", "svg"})
public class Prism_markup {}
  • @Extend annotation indicates if a language definition is a sibling of another one. So even if a parent language is not included in @PrismBundle it will be added to a project anyway. For example, c:
public class Prism_c {}
  • @Modify annotation makes sure that if a language definition modifies another one, modified language will be processed before returning to a caller. This does not include a language that is being modified to a project. But if it's present, it will be modified. For example, css:
public class Prism_css {}

@Modify accepts an array of language names

After you are done (haha!) with a language definition please make sure that you also move test cases from prism-js for the project (for newly added language of cause). Thankfully just a byte of work required here as prism4j-languages module understands native format of prism-js test cases (that are ending with *.test). Please inspect test folder of the prism4j-languages module for further info. In short: copy test cases from prism-js project (the whole folder for specific language) into prism4j-languages/src/test/resources/languages/ folder.

Then, if you run:

./gradlew :prism4j-languages:test

and all tests pass (including your newly added), then it's safe to issue a pull request. Good job!

Important note about regex for contributors

As this project wants to work on Android, your regex's patterns must have } symbol escaped (\\}). Yes, an IDE will warn you that this escape is not needed, but do not believe it. Pattern just won't compile at runtime (Android). I wish this could be unit-tested but unfortunately Robolectric compiles just fine (no surprise actually).


  Copyright 2019 Dimitry Ivanov ([email protected])

  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at

  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.