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AWS Python Boto3 Client SDK


 $ ./ --help

 Create, configure, and manage Amazon Web Services (AWS) across multiple Availability zones.
 The currently available features are AutoScaling, ELB, VPC, and EC2 services.

     -a --choice      start | clean | cleanstart ]        (default: help)
   [ -w --wanted      sns vpc elb autoscaling ec2 sec ]   (default: vpc-sec-ec2)

   [ -c --cidr4       <value> ]    IPv4 Child Cidrs   (default: ['', ''])
   [ -i --image       <value> ]    Image ID           (default: ami-0fad7378adf284ce0)
   [ -y --image-type  <value> ]    Instance Type      (default: t2.micro)
   [ -k --keypair     <value> ]    Key Pair name      (default: ec2_user)
   [ -m --maxcount    <value> ]    Max instances      (default: 2)
   [ -n --name        <value> ]    Name / Tag Key     (default: boto3-client-sdk)
   [ -r --region      <value> ]    Cloud Region       (default: eu-west-1)
   [ -s --sleep       <Boolean> ]  Hibernate          (default: True)
   [ -t --tag         <value> ]    Tag value          (default: boto3-client-sdk)
   [ -i --vpc4        <value> ]    IPv4 Parent Cidr   (default: [''])

   [ -6 --ip6 ]                    Use IpV6           (default: False)
   [ -d --debug ]
   [ -h --help ]

Create tagged secure EC2/SNS/VPC service:

$ ./ -k your_keypair -a start

   Create a Virtual Private Cloud
   Create VPC boto3-client-sdk
   Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for vpc-06e609e554838bb0d
   Create security group
   Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for sg-019de3f43dcaff883
   Authorize sg ingress sg-019de3f43dcaff883
   Authorize sg egress sg-019de3f43dcaff883
   Authorize sg ingress sg-019de3f43dcaff883
   Authorize sg egress sg-019de3f43dcaff883
   Authorize sg ingress sg-019de3f43dcaff883
   Authorize sg egress sg-019de3f43dcaff883

   Create Simple Notification Service Topic
   Create SNS topic  boto3-client-sdk

   Create a EC2 compute environment
   Create internet gateway
   Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for igw-005b3daff2a05134e
   Attach igw-005b3daff2a05134e to vpc-06e609e554838bb0d
   Create route table for vpc-06e609e554838bb0d
   Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for rtb-04c0e3bacc4c526d3
   Create ip4 route for rtb-04c0e3bacc4c526d3
   Create subnet for
   Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for subnet-0e23d3e5121b92a96
   Map subnet-0e23d3e5121b92a96 public-ip-on-launch
   Associate route table rtb-04c0e3bacc4c526d3 to subnet-0e23d3e5121b92a96
   Create network acl for vpc-06e609e554838bb0d
   Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for acl-074631017b0e141e2
   Create network acl entry for acl-074631017b0e141e2
   Create network acl entry for acl-074631017b0e141e2
   Create subnet for
   Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for subnet-09c995ad9102075b6
   Map subnet-09c995ad9102075b6 public-ip-on-launch
   Associate route table rtb-04c0e3bacc4c526d3 to subnet-09c995ad9102075b6
   Create network acl for vpc-06e609e554838bb0d
   Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for acl-0b76e657b0a6c79f4
   Create network acl entry for acl-0b76e657b0a6c79f4
   Create network acl entry for acl-0b76e657b0a6c79f4
   Create launch_template
   Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for lt-0f122d11c9663b9e8
   Create launch_template lt-0f122d11c9663b9e8 version 0
   Startup EC2 Instance group 0
   Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for i-01411e9c5d652f94d
   initialized Instance i-01411e9c5d652f94d
   initialized Instance i-0ce60380b15dd6c8f
   Create launch_template lt-0f122d11c9663b9e8 version 1
   Startup EC2 Instance group 1
   Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for i-09f4ee43f92f8e207
   initialized Instance i-09f4ee43f92f8e207
   initialized Instance i-0d0dc1ec34ad1aec1


Teardown tagged secure EC2/SNS/VPC service:

$ ./ -k your_keypair -a clean

   Teardown Simple Notification Service
   Delete SNS topic arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:347924373385:boto3-client-sdk

   Teardown EC2 infrastructure
   Delete instance i-0ce60380b15dd6c8f
   Delete instance i-01411e9c5d652f94d
   Delete instance i-09f4ee43f92f8e207
   Delete instance i-0d0dc1ec34ad1aec1
   No elastic ips detected
   Delete launch template lt-0f122d11c9663b9e8 version 3
   Delete launch template lt-0f122d11c9663b9e8 version 2
   Delete launch template lt-0f122d11c9663b9e8 version 1
   Delete launch_template lt-0f122d11c9663b9e8 boto3-client-sdk
   No network interfaces detected
   Detach igw-005b3daff2a05134e from vpc-06e609e554838bb0d
   Delete internet gateway igw-005b3daff2a05134e
   Delete subnet-09c995ad9102075b6
   Delete subnet-0e23d3e5121b92a96
   Skipping main route table
   Delete rtb-04c0e3bacc4c526d3
   No nat gateways detected
   Delete entry for acl-0b76e657b0a6c79f4
   Delete entry for acl-0b76e657b0a6c79f4
   Delete entry for acl-0b76e657b0a6c79f4
   Delete entry for acl-0b76e657b0a6c79f4
   Delete acl-0b76e657b0a6c79f4
   Delete entry for acl-074631017b0e141e2
   Delete entry for acl-074631017b0e141e2
   Delete entry for acl-074631017b0e141e2
   Delete entry for acl-074631017b0e141e2
   Delete acl-074631017b0e141e2

   Teardown Security Group
   No referencing security groups detected
   Deleting security group sg-019de3f43dcaff883
   Delete sg-019de3f43dcaff883

   Teardown VPC
   Delete vpc-06e609e554838bb0d

   Teardown Security Group
   No security groups detected


Create tagged secure ASG/EC2/ELB/SNS/VPC service with two zones/instances:

$ ./ -k your_keypair -a start -w 'sns-vpc-autoscaling-elb'

  Create a Virtual Private Cloud
  Create VPC boto3-client-sdk
  Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for vpc-0a6fd97ca3b099531
  Create security group
  Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for sg-00b6ea783220fde88
  Authorize sg ingress sg-00b6ea783220fde88
  Authorize sg egress sg-00b6ea783220fde88
  Authorize sg ingress sg-00b6ea783220fde88
  Authorize sg egress sg-00b6ea783220fde88
  Authorize sg ingress sg-00b6ea783220fde88
  Authorize sg egress sg-00b6ea783220fde88

  Create Simple Notification Service Topic
  Create SNS topic  boto3-client-sdk

  Create a EC2 compute environment
  Create internet gateway
  Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for igw-0cbf42d25568b5432
  Attach igw-0cbf42d25568b5432 to vpc-0a6fd97ca3b099531
  Create route table for vpc-0a6fd97ca3b099531
  Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for rtb-08ad6540092fa44d8
  Create ip4 route for rtb-08ad6540092fa44d8
  Create subnet for
  Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for subnet-0de926575ca79f18e
  Map subnet-0de926575ca79f18e public-ip-on-launch
  Associate route table rtb-08ad6540092fa44d8 to subnet-0de926575ca79f18e
  Create network acl for vpc-0a6fd97ca3b099531
  Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for acl-01f84dd3cae89399c
  Create network acl entry for acl-01f84dd3cae89399c
  Create network acl entry for acl-01f84dd3cae89399c
  Create subnet for
  Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for subnet-02c2bf484c689cf52
  Map subnet-02c2bf484c689cf52 public-ip-on-launch
  Associate route table rtb-08ad6540092fa44d8 to subnet-02c2bf484c689cf52
  Create network acl for vpc-0a6fd97ca3b099531
  Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for acl-0fbefe583e4a568e3
  Create network acl entry for acl-0fbefe583e4a568e3
  Create network acl entry for acl-0fbefe583e4a568e3
  Create launch_template
  Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for lt-0a8fef412c4935fc8
  Create launch_template lt-0a8fef412c4935fc8 version 0
  Create launch_template lt-0a8fef412c4935fc8 version 1

  Create Elastic Load Balancing environment
  Create Elastic Load Balancer: boto3-client-sdk
  Wait until active ...
  Create Tags for arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:eu-west-1:347924373385:loadbalancer/app/boto3-client-sdk/3814273b7a318209
  Create Target Group for boto3-client-sdk
  Create Tags for arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:eu-west-1:347924373385:loadbalancer/app/boto3-client-sdk/3814273b7a318209
  Create Listener for boto3-client-sdk
  elb created

  Create AutoScaling
  Create launch_configuration boto3-client-sdk
  Create AutoScaling group: boto3-client-sdk
  Attach target groups to AutoScaling group boto3-client-sdk
  Create tag boto3-client-sdk = boto3-client-sdk for auto-scaling-group
  Create AutoScaling policy boto3-client-sdk
  Create AutoScaling Notification boto3-client-sdk


Teardown tagged secure ASG/EC2/ELB/SNS/VPC services with two zones/instances:

$ ./ -k your_keypair -a clean -w 'sns-vpc-autoscaling-elb'

Teardown Simple Notification Service
Delete SNS topic arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:347924373385:boto3-client-sdk

Teardown Elastic Load Balancing
Delete Listener arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:eu-west-1:347924373385:listener/app/boto3-client-sdk/3814273b7a318209/a389df5c8093ed08
Delete Elastic Load Balancer arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:eu-west-1:347924373385:loadbalancer/app/boto3-client-sdk/3814273b7a318209

Teardown AutoScaling
Delete Auto Scaling Group boto3-client-sdk Notification arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:347924373385:boto3-client-sdk
No auto-scaling policies found
Delete AutoScaling group boto3-client-sdk
Delete launch_configuration boto3-client-sdk

Teardown EC2 infrastructure
No ec2 instances detected
No elastic ips detected
Delete launch template lt-0a8fef412c4935fc8 version 3
Delete launch template lt-0a8fef412c4935fc8 version 2
Delete launch template lt-0a8fef412c4935fc8 version 1
Delete launch_template lt-0a8fef412c4935fc8 boto3-client-sdk
No network interfaces detected
Detach igw-0cbf42d25568b5432 from vpc-0a6fd97ca3b099531
Delete internet gateway igw-0cbf42d25568b5432
Delete subnet-0de926575ca79f18e
Delete subnet-02c2bf484c689cf52
Skipping main route table
Delete rtb-08ad6540092fa44d8
No nat gateways detected
Delete entry for acl-01f84dd3cae89399c
Delete entry for acl-01f84dd3cae89399c
Delete entry for acl-01f84dd3cae89399c
Delete entry for acl-01f84dd3cae89399c
Delete acl-01f84dd3cae89399c
Delete entry for acl-0fbefe583e4a568e3
Delete entry for acl-0fbefe583e4a568e3
Delete entry for acl-0fbefe583e4a568e3
Delete entry for acl-0fbefe583e4a568e3
Delete acl-0fbefe583e4a568e3

Teardown Security Group
No referencing security groups detected
Deleting security group sg-00b6ea783220fde88
Delete sg-00b6ea783220fde88

Teardown VPC
Delete vpc-0a6fd97ca3b099531



Exploring Public Cloud API's (Boto3, GCP, etc)








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