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Releases: nmap/ncrack

Ncrack 0.7

24 Aug 22:34
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o Added new modules: DICOM, Wordpress, MQTT

o New module: CVS
[Panagiotis Ilias / Barrend]

o New module: SMB2
[Aurelien Aptel [email protected]]

o Extended RDP module to support all latest Windows versions

o Added -oX output option

o Added support for latest OpenSSL 1.1.1c

o Ported opensshlib to OpenSSL 1.1
[Hilko Bengen - [email protected]]

o Fixed MySQL, SSH crashes
[Christian Inci - [email protected]]

Ncrack 0.6

12 Oct 06:41
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o Added new modules: MongoDB and MSSQL
[Evangelos Deirmetzoglou - GSoC 2017]

o Added new modules: Cassandra and IMAP
[Panagiotis Ilias / Barrend]

o Improved WinRM module to support NTLM authentication
[Evangelos Deirmetzoglou for Google Summer of Code 2017]

o Implemented 'cr' (connection retries) option (caps number of consecutive
connection attempts until host/service is removed from list)
[Evangelos Deirmetzoglou - GSoC 2017]

o Added 'db' and 'domain' module options for protocols that need a specific
database (e.g. MongoDB) or domain (e.g. WinRM)

o Updated Ncrack to use latest Nsock & Nbase versions.

o Added --stealthy-linear timing option for stealthier cracking sessions

Version 0.5.0 - Ncrack revived

13 Apr 18:51
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Ncrack revived version 0.5:

o Added 4 new modules: Redis, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SIP. Thanks to edeirme for
implementing the Redis, PostgreSQL and MySQL modules.

o Improved HTTP module by adding digest authentication.

o Added --pairwise option for special username/password iteration.

o Added --proxy option and proxy support implementation. Many thanks
to Andrew Farabee ( for implementing

o Updated the Ncrack openssh library, now based on the OpenSSH 7.1
codebase and updated the SSH module to support all the latest ciphers.