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PyQt Hotkey Picker

PyPI Python Build Coverage License

A simple and customizable hotkey picker widget for PyQt and PySide



  • Simple and fully customizable UI
  • Supports 469 different keys
  • Supports whitelisting and blacklisting keys
  • Supports customizing key names
  • Works with PyQt5, PyQt6, PySide2, and PySide6


pip install pyqthotkey


Import the HotkeyPicker class and add it to your window like any other PyQt widget:

from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QMainWindow
from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt
from pyqthotkey import HotkeyPicker

class Window(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):

        hotkey_picker = HotkeyPicker(self)  # Add hotkey picker with default settings
        hotkey_picker.hotkeyChanged.connect(self.hotkey_changed)  # Connect change event
    # Called every time the picked hotkey changes
    def hotkey_changed(self, key, key_name):
        print([key, key_name])

Use the getHotkey() and getHotkeyName() methods to get the key code and name of the selected hotkey:

# Returns int with key code if a hotkey is selected, otherwise None
key_code = hotkey_picker.getHotkey()  # e.g. 65 (which is the same as Qt.Key.Key_A)

# Returns string with key name if a hotkey is selected, otherwise None
key_name = hotkey_picker.getHotkeyName()  # e.g. 'Shift'

Manually set the selected hotkey with the setHotkey() method:

hotkey_picker.setHotkey(Qt.Key.Key_A)  # Could also directly pass int (e.g. 65)

Reset the hotkey picker to the default state with no selected hotkey by using the reset() method:


You can also use the static getKeyName() method to get the name of a key:

key_name_a = HotkeyPicker.getKeyName(Qt.Key.Key_A)  # 'A'
key_name_f5 = HotkeyPicker.getKeyName(16777268)     # 'F5'

More in-depth examples can be found in the examples folder.


  • Overriding key names (static):

    # Change control key name from default 'Control' to 'Ctrl'
    HotkeyPicker.setKeyName(Qt.Key.Key_Control, 'Ctrl')
  • Changing the cancel key used to exit the hotkey selection:

    # On initialization
    hotkey_picker = HotkeyPicker(self, cancel_key=Qt.Key.Key_Return)
    # Or using the setter
    hotkey_picker.setCancelKey(Qt.Key.Key_Return)  # Default: Qt.Key.Key_Escape
  • Changing the default text of the hotkey picker:

    # On initialization
    hotkey_picker = HotkeyPicker(self, default_text='Not selected..')
    # Or using the setter
    hotkey_picker.setDefaultText('Not selected..')  # Default: 'None'
  • Changing the text of the hotkey picker that is shown when waiting for a key press:

    # On initialization
    hotkey_picker = HotkeyPicker(self, selection_text='Selecting..')
    # Or using the setter
    hotkey_picker.setSelectionText('Selecting..')  # Default: '..'
  • Only allowing specific keys to be selected:

    # List of whitelisted keys (no other key can be selected)
    keys = [Qt.Key.Key_F1, Qt.Key.Key_F2, Qt.Key.Key_F3, Qt.Key.Key_F4,
            Qt.Key.Key_F5, Qt.Key.Key_F6, Qt.Key.Key_F7, Qt.Key.Key_F8,
            Qt.Key.Key_F9, Qt.Key.Key_F10, Qt.Key.Key_F11, Qt.Key.Key_F12]
    # On initialization 
    hotkey_picker = HotkeyPicker(self, key_filter_enabled=True, whitelisted_keys=keys)
    # Or using the setter
    hotkey_picker.setKeyFilterEnabled(True)  # Default: False
    hotkey_picker.setWhitelistedKeys(keys)   # Default: []
  • Not allowing specific keys to be selected:

    # List of blacklisted keys (every other key can be selected)
    keys = [Qt.Key.Key_F1, Qt.Key.Key_F2, Qt.Key.Key_F3,
            Qt.Key.Key_F4, Qt.Key.Key_F5]
    # On initialization 
    hotkey_picker = HotkeyPicker(self, key_filter_enabled=True, blacklisted_keys=keys)
    # Or using the setter
    hotkey_picker.setKeyFilterEnabled(True)  # Default: False
    hotkey_picker.setBlacklistedKeys(keys)   # Default: []

    Only one filter option can be enabled per hotkey picker at any given time, meaning you can either specify the whitelisted keys, specify the blacklisted keys, or not enable key filtering at all.


Installing the required test dependencies PyQt6, pytest, and coveragepy:

pip install PyQt6 pytest coverage

To run the tests with coverage, clone this repository, go into the main directory and run:

coverage run -m pytest
coverage report --ignore-errors -m


This software is licensed under the MIT license.