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Releases: nikivanov/watney

Watney 3.0.1

16 Jul 18:46
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  • Added new camera bucket and servo gear STL files for MG90s - a metal gear version of SG90
  • Setting motor pins to output / low on boot - this prevents the wheels from spinning sometimes if the output pins are floating

Watney 3.0

17 Jan 21:12
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Latest build of Watney (the one with orange tires). Previous releases won't work! The SD Card image is in the large zip file below, under Assets

Watney 2.0

14 Oct 16:24
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This is the first release for the new Watney with audio support. Older releases will not work!

Watney 4D v1.3

06 Jan 03:51
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  • Switched to Janus WebRTC from RWS. Video quality and compatibility greatly improved.
  • Update the UI to look like it's from this century.

Watney 4D v1.2

27 Oct 21:13
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Added heartbeat to prevent Watney from driving away out of WiFi range
Added overlay with SSID and signal strength

Watney 4D v1.1

24 Sep 01:56
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Watney 4D uses 4 motors to power each wheel separately. Dual USB port battery provides independent power sources to the Pi and the motor controller. Watney 4D can drive on all sorts of surfaces including thick carpet and even short grass.

Watney-4 v1.0

06 Jul 04:38
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First release