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Python Data Scraping IMDb Movie site using BeautifulSoup

Data Scraping and Data Wrangling using Python BeautifulSoup

Data Scraping the TOP 100 most popular videos in IMDb in 2019

Data Scraping from a website is one of the way to get valuable data about present trends especially because most of the data in this age really comes from the datas coming from different website especially Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media sites.
Now, if one wants to analyze what's the trend movie currently and use that data for personal or business reasons, scraping data from the popular movie website like IMDb is the way to go.

Data Scraping using PYTHON

We use Python because it is one of the most used languages in data science and also because it is the language that I am most familiar with.

Install Important Packages

(If you're already done in this part, just skip this)

On Windows

Note: Make sure that you already installed the Python before pip-installing the following packages.

Open Command Prompt or cmd
Type the following:

pip install lxml
pip install numpy
pip install pandas
pip install bs4
pip install requests

On Linux

Note: Make sure that you already installed the Python before aptget-installing the following packages.

Open the Terminal
Type the following:

apt-get install lxml
apt-get install numpy
apt-get install pandas
apt-get install bs4
apt-get install requests

Going to IMDb Website


  1. Go to IMDb movie website
  2. Hover your mouse to the Watchlist
  3. Click the Popular Movies section

If you want to use my Jupyter notebook, use this link: IMDb-most-popular-2019 image

Use Google Chrome Developer Tools

Use Google Chrome Developer Tools to inspect elements or the data of the website. Right Click mouse then Inspect right-click Find the Elements that correspond to the data we're getting hover-mouse-content hover-mouse-movie hover-mouse-title Keep in mind that one need to find the source of the data before getting it. In the case of the IMDb movie website, the structure of the data of the 1st movie is similar to the structure of those remaining 99 movies. We can take advantage of that later.

Take note of the TAGS as well as the Attributes like class, id, etc. We'll use that later.

CODE (Click the jupyter notebook link to continue)


IMDb class jupyter notebook code (full):


Step-by-Step python code

Import modules

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
import lxml

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from requests import get
%matplotlib inline

Get the page link

url= ",tv_series&ref_=nv_wl_img_2"
Get page data
- Get page using requests.get
- Parse page using BeautifulSoup and lxml
page = get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'lxml') 

Get the Element or tag that holds the movie contents

content = soup.find(id="main")

Get Article Title

soup.find("h1", class_="header")** finds the first line that has h1 tag and has a class header.
.text** gets the text of that line or that element.
.replace("\n","")** just erases \n.

articleTitle = soup.find("h1", class_="header").text.replace("\n","")

Get the contents of one movie content

movie-frame Find_all returns a list of all instances that has the tags specified (i.e. "div", "class")
To get the first movie only, use movieFrame[0]

movieFrame = content.find_all("div", class_="lister-item mode-advanced")

Getting the Movie Title and Movie Date

We need to first get the line where the title and the date contains because the tags that holds those values are too common and using find might not get it to appear.
.find("a") returns the first line that has a tag "a"
.find_all("span") returns all lines that has a tag of "span". Because we only want the date, we only return the second line denoted by ("span")[-1]
.text returns the text value of that line.

movieFirstLine = movieFrame[0].find("h3", class_="lister-item-header")
movieTitle = movieFirstLine.find("a").text
movieDate = re.sub(r"[()]","", movieFirstLine.find_all("span")[-1].text)

Getting the Runtime, genre, rating, score and movie description

Find the other datas are just the same as what we did with the first ones. Just take note that be more specific in describing the attributes (i.e. class, id, etc.) so that the it will directly return the line that we want to get.

movieRunTime = movieFrame[0].find("span", class_="runtime").text[:-4]
movieGenre = movieFrame[0].find("span", class_="genre").text.rstrip().replace("\n","").split(",")
movieRating = movieFrame[0].find("strong").text
movieScore = movieFrame[0].find("span", class_="metascore unfavorable").text.rstrip()
movieDesc = movieFrame[0].find_all("p", class_="text-muted")[-1].text.lstrip()

Getting the movie casts and directors

Movies w/o including the directors are troublesome and we need to anticipate that by making that missing value into NaN using np.nan. Getting the movie casts is a bit tricky because there is an indefinite number of casts that can be included in each movie, sometimes none, sometimes a few. That is the reason why we need to anticipate those three scenarios.
Take a look at the code:

#Movie Director and Movie Stars
    casts = movieCast.text.replace("\n","").split('|')
    casts = [x.strip() for x in casts]
    casts = [casts[i].replace(j, "") for i,j in enumerate(["Director:", "Stars:"])]
    movieDirector = casts[0]
    movieStars = [x.strip() for x in casts[1].split(",")]
    casts = movieCast.text.replace("\n","").strip()
    movieDirector = np.nan
    movieStars = [x.strip() for x in casts.split(",")]
Same scenario with the votes and gross

We can get an attribute by including it to the attrs dictionary and adding its value to it.

movieNumbers = movieFrame[0].find_all("span", attrs={"name": "nv"})
if len(movieNumbers) == 2:
    movieVotes = movieNumbers[0].text
    movieGross = movieNumbers[1].text
    movieVotes = movieNumbers[0].text
    movieGross = np.nan

Full code

Author: Reljod T. Oreta PUP-Manila
BSECE 5th year
import lxml
import re
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from requests import get

url1 = ",tv_series&ref_=nv_wl_img_2"

class IMDB(object):
	"""docstring for IMDB"""
	def __init__(self, url):
		super(IMDB, self).__init__()
		page = get(url)

		self.soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'lxml')

	def articleTitle(self):
		return self.soup.find("h1", class_="header").text.replace("\n","")

	def bodyContent(self):
		content = self.soup.find(id="main")
		return content.find_all("div", class_="lister-item mode-advanced")

	def movieData(self):
		movieFrame = self.bodyContent()
		movieTitle = []
		movieDate = []
		movieRunTime = []
		movieGenre = []
		movieRating = []
		movieScore = []
		movieDescription = []
		movieDirector = []
		movieStars = []
		movieVotes = []
		movieGross = []
		for movie in movieFrame:
			movieFirstLine = movie.find("h3", class_="lister-item-header")
			movieDate.append(re.sub(r"[()]","", movieFirstLine.find_all("span")[-1].text))
				movieRunTime.append(movie.find("span", class_="runtime").text[:-4])
			movieGenre.append(movie.find("span", class_="genre").text.rstrip().replace("\n","").split(","))
				movieScore.append(movie.find("span", class_="metascore unfavorable").text.rstrip())
			movieDescription.append(movie.find_all("p", class_="text-muted")[-1].text.lstrip())
			movieCast = movie.find("p", class_="")

				casts = movieCast.text.replace("\n","").split('|')
				casts = [x.strip() for x in casts]
				casts = [casts[i].replace(j, "") for i,j in enumerate(["Director:", "Stars:"])]
				movieStars.append([x.strip() for x in casts[1].split(",")])
				casts = movieCast.text.replace("\n","").strip()
				movieStars.append([x.strip() for x in casts.split(",")])

			movieNumbers = movie.find_all("span", attrs={"name": "nv"})

			if len(movieNumbers) == 2:
			elif len(movieNumbers) == 1:

		movieData = [movieTitle, movieDate, movieRunTime, movieGenre, movieRating, movieScore, movieDescription,
							movieDirector, movieStars, movieVotes, movieGross]
		return movieData

Check the result using the IMDB class

id1 = IMDB(url1)
#Get Article Title
#Get the first 5 movie data using for loop
for i in range(5):

Result should be: imdbData

What's next?

The data we extracted from the website should be cleaned first before using it for data analyzation or machine learning but it will be done on my next project using exactly the data that we've been extracted so far.

Thank You!!



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  • Jupyter Notebook 88.8%
  • Python 11.2%