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Pros. Easy share your task lists with any device since jabber clients are everywhere.

Disclaimer: This is pre-alpha software. Everything could be changed. Follow README to watch the changes.

1. Command list

Diplay Help:

Just text ?

Control lists:

.. - output existing lists
.list_name - add or display list, i.e. .tasks. Also makes list "active".
. - display active list
.-- - clear tasks of the active list
.! - display completed tasks of the active list
.!- - clear completed tasks of the active list
.-list_name - delete list and all of its tasks

Control tasks:

any message - adds task to the active list
:any multiline message - add multiple tasks from multiline message
!task_number [task_number] - move task(s) task_number to complete tasks
-task_number - delete task task_number from list, i.e. -1 deletes first task
>task_number task_title - edit task task_number from current list, set it new title
^task_number list_name - move task task_number from current list to list_name list

Schedule tasks:

*task_number time or *task_number date time - set reminder for task task_number from active list to provided time or date/time

example: *1 22:04 - set reminder for task 1 from active list to 22:04 today.

.* - list scheduled tasks

2. Requremens

  • Redis server
  • SleekXMPP
  • python-redis
  • python-yaml
  • python-dateutil

3. Installation

  1. Create virtualenv in your preferred way.

Debian/Ubuntu example.

sudo apt-get install redis-server  # Install redis server
sudo apt-get install python3-pip  # Install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install virtualenv  # Install virtualenv 
virtualenv -p python3 myenv  # Create virtualenv
source myenv/bin/activate  # Activate created env
# Add packages
pip3 install sleekxmpp
pip3 install redis
pip3 install pyyaml
pip3 install python-dateutil
deactivate  # Deactivate env
  1. Download bot files or clone form github:
git clone
  1. Copy main-local.dist.yml to main-local.yml at config folder.
cp main-local.dist.yml main-local.yml

Set config as follow:

  jid: [email protected]
  password: bot_password
  port: 5222

  type: redis

  host: localhost
  port: 6379
  db: 0

  - [email protected]

allowed_jids - users allowed to interact with bot.

4. Run

Run in background with screen and created environment

screen myenv/bin/python3