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feat: Add docs for \OCP\TaskProcessing
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Signed-off-by: Marcel Klehr <[email protected]>
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marcelklehr committed May 7, 2024
1 parent 6c6d569 commit 7583b7a
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.. _task_processing:

Task Processing

.. versionadded:: 30.0.0

Nextcloud offers a **Task Processing** API which replaces the previously introduced :ref:`Text Processing<text_processing>`, :ref:`TextToImage<text2image>` and :ref:`Speech-To-Text<speech-to-text>` APIs. The overall idea is that there is a central OCP API that apps can use to schedule all kinds of tasks (mainly inteded for AI tasks). To be technology agnostic any other app can provide this task functionality by registering Task Processing providers for specific Task types.

Consuming the Task Processing API

To consume the Task Processing API, you will need to :ref:`inject<dependency-injection>` ``\OCP\TaskProcessing\IManager``. This manager offers the following methods:

* ``hasProviders()`` This method returns a boolean which indicates if any providers have been registered. If this is false you cannot use the TextProcessing feature.
* ``getAvailableTaskTypes()`` This method returns an array of task types indexed by their ID with their names and additional metadata.
* ``scheduleTask(Task $task)`` This method provides the actual scheduling functionality. The task is defined using the Task class. This method runs the task asynchronously in a background job.
* ``getTask(int $id)`` This method fetches a task specified by its id.
* ``deleteTask(Task $task)`` This method deletes a task
* ``cancelTask(int $id)`` This method cancels a task specified by its id.

If you would like to use the text processing functionality in a client, there are also OCS endpoints available for this: :ref:`OCS Text Processing API<ocs-textprocessing-api>`

Tasks types
The following built-in task types are available:

* ``'core:text2text'``: This task allows passing an arbitrary prompt to the language model. It is implemented by ``\OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToText``
* Input shape:
* ``input``: ``Text``
* Output shape:
* ``output``: ``Text``
* ``'core:text2text:headline'``: This task will generate a headline for the passed input text. It is implemented by ``\OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextHeadline``
* Input shape:
* ``input``: ``Text``
* Output shape:
* ``output``: ``Text``
* ``'core:text2text:topics'``: This task will generate a comma-separated list of topics for the passed input text. It is implemented by ``\OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextTopics``
* Input shape:
* ``input``: ``Text``
* Output shape:
* ``output``: ``Text``
* ``'core:text2text:summary'``: This task will summarize the passed input text. It is implemented by ``\OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextSummary``
* Input shape:
* ``input``: ``Text``
* Output shape:
* ``output``: ``Text``
* ``'core:audio2text'``: This task type is for transcribing audio to text. It is implemented by ``\OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\AudioToText``
* Input shape:
* ``input``: ``Audio``
* Output shape:
* ``output``: ``Text``
* ``'core:text2image'``: This task type is for generating images from text prompts. It is implemented by ``\OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToImage``
* Input shape:
* ``input``: ``Text``
* ``numberOfImages``: ``Number``
* Output shape:
* ``output``: ``ListOfImages``

Input and output shapes

Each task type defines how its input and output should look. This is called the input and output shape.

For example the TextToImage type defines its input shape as follows:

.. code-block:: php
* @return ShapeDescriptor[]
* @since 30.0.0
public function getInputShape(): array {
return [
'input' => new ShapeDescriptor(
$this->l->t('Describe the image you want to generate'),
'numberOfImages' => new ShapeDescriptor(
$this->l->t('Number of images'),
$this->l->t('How many images to generate'),
The task input and output is always an array. In this case, the task input for TextToImage must have an array key named ``'input'`` which must contain a text and an array key named ``'numberOfImages'`` which must contain a number.

If you want to simply use a task type, you can look up it's input and output shapes above or, if it is not built-in, in the documentation or implementation of the app introducing the task type. If you would like to use task types dynamically without knowing their shapes in advance, you can get their shape information from the ``IManager#getAvailableTaskTypes()`` menthod. The ShapeDescriptor class allows accessing the type data as well as human readable name and description using the ``getName()``, ``getDescription()`` and ``getShapeType()`` methods.

Shape types

Input and output shape keys can have one of a pre-defined set of types, which are enumerated in the ``\OCP\TaskProcessing\EShapeType`` Enum:

.. code-block:: php
enum EShapeType: int {
case Number = 0;
case Text = 1;
case Image = 2;
case Audio = 3;
case Video = 4;
case File = 5;
case ListOfNumbers = 10;
case ListOfTexts = 11;
case ListOfImages = 12;
case ListOfAudio = 13;
case ListOfVideo = 14;
case ListOfFiles = 15;
When consuming the task processing API, ``Image``, ``Audio``, ``Video`` and ``File`` slots are filled with Nextcloud file IDs, so instead of supplying the image data directly as a string to the task you create a file for it and pass the id. Similarly, if the task outputs an image, you will receive a file ID in that slot.

To create a task we use the ``\OCP\TaskProcessing\Task`` class. Its constructor takes the following arguments: ``new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Task(string $taskTypeId, array $input, string $appId, ?string $userId, string $identifier = '')``. For example:

.. code-block:: php
if (isset($textprocessingManager->getAvailableTaskTypes()[TextToTextSummary::ID]) {
$summaryTask = new Task(TextToTextSummary::ID, $emailText, "my_app", $userId, (string) $emailId);
} else {
// cannot use summarization
The task class objects have the following methods available:

* ``getTaskTypeId()`` This returns the task type.
* ``getStatus()`` This method returns one of the below statuses.
* ``getId()`` This method will return ``null`` before the task has been passed to ``scheduleTask`` otherwise it will return the unique ID of the task.
* ``getInput()`` This returns the input array.
* ``getOutput()`` This method will return ``null`` unless the task was successfully run, in that case it will return the output array
* ``getAppId()`` This returns the originating application ID of the task.
* ``getIdentifier()`` This returns the original scheduler-defined identifier for the task
* ``getUserId()`` This returns the originating user ID of the task.

You could now schedule the task as follows:

.. code-block:: php
try {
} catch (OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\Exception|OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\PreConditionNotMetException|OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\UnauthorizedException|OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\ValidationException $e) {
// scheduling task failed
Task statuses

All tasks always have one of the below statuses:

.. code-block:: php
Listening to the task processing events

Since ``scheduleTask`` does not block, you will need to listen to the following events in your app to obtain the output or be notified of any failure.

* ``OCP\TaskProcessing\Events\TaskSuccessfulEvent`` This event class offers the ``getTask()`` method which returns the up-to-date task object, with the task output.
* ``OCP\TaskProcessing\Events\TaskFailedEvent`` In addition to the ``getTask()`` method, this event class provides the ``getErrorMessage()`` method which returns the error message as a string (only in English and for debugging purposes, so don't show this to the user)

For example, in your ``lib/AppInfo/Application.php`` file:

.. code-block:: php
$context->registerEventListener(OCP\TaskProcessing\Events\TaskSuccessfulEvent::class, MyPromptResultListener::class);
$context->registerEventListener(OCP\TaskProcessing\Events\TaskFailedEvent::class, MyPromptResultListener::class);
The corresponding ``MyPromptResultListener`` class can look like:

.. code-block:: php
namespace OCA\MyApp\Listener;
use OCA\MyApp\AppInfo\Application;
use OCP\TaskProcessing\Events\AbstractTaskProcessingEvent;
use OCP\TaskProcessing\Events\TaskSuccessfulEvent;
use OCP\TaskProcessing\Events\TaskFailedEvent;
use OCP\EventDispatcher\Event;
use OCP\EventDispatcher\IEventListener;
class MyPromptResultListener implements IEventListener {
public function handle(Event $event): void {
if (!$event instanceof AbstractTaskProcessingEvent || $event->getTask()->getAppId() !== Application::APP_ID) {
if ($event instanceof TaskSuccessfulEvent) {
$output = $event->getTask()->getOutput()
// store $output somewhere
if ($event instanceof TaskFailedEvent) {
$error = $event->getErrorMessage()
$userId = $event->getTask()->getUserId()
// Notify relevant user about failure
Implementing a TaskProcessing provider

A **Task processing provider** will usually be a class that implements the interface ``OCP\TaskProcessing\ISynchrounousProvider``.

.. code-block:: php
namespace OCA\MyApp\TaskProcessing;
use OCA\MyApp\AppInfo\Application;
use OCP\Files\File;
use OCP\TaskProcessing\IProvider;
use OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextSummary;
use OCP\TaskProcessing\SummaryTaskType;
use OCP\IL10N;
class Provider implements ISynchrounousProvider {
public function __construct(
private IL10N $l,
) {
public function getId() {
return 'myapp:summary';
public function getName(): string {
return $this->l->t('My awesome summary provider');
public function getTaskTypeId(): string {
return TextToTextSummary::ID;
public function process(?string $userId, array $input, callable $reportProgress): array {
// Return the output here
public function getExpectedRuntime() {
// usually takes 1min on average
return 60;
The method ``getName`` returns a string to identify the registered provider in the user interface.

The method ``process`` implements the text processing step. In case execution fails for some reason, you should throw a ``\OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\ProcessingException`` with an explanatory error message. Important to note here is that ``Image``, ``Audio``, ``Video`` and ``File`` slots in the input array will be filled with ``\OCP\Files\File`` objects for your convenience. When outputting one of these you should simply return a string, the API will turn the data into a proper file for convenience. The ``$reportProgress`` parameter is a callback that you may use at will to report the task progress as a single float value between 0 and 1. Its return value will indicate if the task is still running (``true``) or if it was cancelled (``false``) and processing should be terminated.

This class would typically be saved into a file in ``lib/TextProcessing`` of your app but you are free to put it elsewhere as long as it's loadable by Nextcloud's :ref:`dependency injection container<dependency-injection>`.

Providing more task types

If you would like to implement providers that handle additional task types, you can create your own Task type classes implementing the ``OCP\TaskProcessing\ITaskType`` interface:

.. code-block:: php
namespace OCA\MyApp\TaskProcessing;
use OCA\MyApp\AppInfo\Application;
use OCP\Files\File;
use OCP\TaskProcessing\ITaskType;
use OCP\IL10N;
class AudioToImage implements ITaskType {
public const ID = 'myapp:audiotoimage';
public function getId(): string {
return self::ID;
public function getName(): string {
return 'Get Spectrogram';
public function getDescription(): string {
return 'Turns audio into an image';
public function getInputShape(): array {
return [
'audio' => new ShapeDescriptor('Audio', 'The audio', EShapeType::Audio),
public function getOutputShape(): array {
return [
'spectrogram' => new ShapeDescriptor('Spectrogram', 'The audio spectrogram', EShapeType::Image),
Provider and task type registration

Providers and task types are registered via the :ref:`bootstrap mechanism<Bootstrapping>` of the ``Application`` class.

.. code-block:: php
:emphasize-lines: 17,18
namespace OCA\MyApp\AppInfo;
use OCA\MyApp\TaskProcessing\Provider;
use OCA\MyApp\TaskProcessing\AudioToImage;
use OCP\AppFramework\App;
use OCP\AppFramework\Bootstrap\IBootContext;
use OCP\AppFramework\Bootstrap\IBootstrap;
use OCP\AppFramework\Bootstrap\IRegistrationContext;
class Application extends App implements IBootstrap {
public function register(IRegistrationContext $context): void {
public function boot(IBootContext $context): void {}

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