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Nicholas Berlette edited this page Feb 15, 2022 · 5 revisions


Equates to a rudamentary Key-Value (KV) map for Signal data. Allows DBC interpreters to output human-readable strings from raw Signal input values.



Usually positioned at the bottom of the document, adjacent to Attributes.


VAL_ <ID> <SignalName>  Key_1 "Val_1" ... Key_N "Val_N";
  • <ID>: CAN-ID (decimal)
  • SignalName: Mnemonic (see signals)
  • Key_N: Raw signal data (integer)
  • Val_N: Text descriptor (string)

Note: multiple pairs of values are permitted. Minimum of 1 pair required.


GearSelector (enum)

VAL_ 123 GearSelector  0 "P" 1 "R" 2 "N" 3 "D";
  • 0 -> P (park)
  • 1 -> R (reverse)
  • 2 -> N (neutral)
  • 3 -> D (drive)

HandbrakeStatus (boolean)

VAL_ 456 HandbrakeStatus  0 "Disengaged" 1 "Engaged";
  • 0 = Disengaged
  • 1 = Engaged

HeadlightStatus (boolean)

VAL_ 789 HeadlightStatus  0 "Off" 1 "On" ;
  • 0 = "Off"
  • 1 = "On"