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common problems

naveen edited this page Sep 6, 2017 · 3 revisions

Common problems

Most of the common problems are due to file permissions set on the server, newway requires 777 on www folder to work without problems

Newway loops through the registration screen

it means newway does not have enough permissions to create the json file which stores the hash of your password in the server ** What i can do?** set the permissions of the www folder to 777, which will allow newway to perform without problems

Why newway redirects me to chmod.php?

it means newway doesnt have permission from server to delete the files because the folder permissions set by server does not allow newway to delete/rename the files. What i can do? go to your hosting file manager and set the permissions to 777, while setting this option please be careful.Because if your newway credentials become compromised some attacker might upload a shell and gain full access on your server.So keep your newway credentials safe.