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Security: narrowlink/narrowlink

Security Policy

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you discover a security vulnerability in Narrowlink, please follow these steps:

  1. Do Not disclose the vulnerability publicly or to anyone other than the Narrowlink security team.

  2. Report the vulnerability via email to [email protected]. Include:

    • A description of the vulnerability and affected component(s).
    • Steps to reproduce or a Proof of Concept (PoC) if available.
    • Your contact information (name, email).
  3. Our security team will acknowledge your report within 48 hours.

  4. We aim to respond within 7 days and will provide updates on the investigation and remediation.

  5. Once resolved, we will publicly acknowledge your responsible disclosure, unless you prefer to remain anonymous.

Do not create a GitHub issue for security-related reports or publicly disclose security issues.


This policy covers official Narrowlink source code and releases, not third-party modules or plugins.

Responsible Disclosure

We appreciate security researchers and the community. In return for responsible disclosure, we commit to:

  • Timely response and regular updates on the vulnerability's progress.
  • Publicly acknowledging your responsible disclosure, unless you prefer anonymity.

Please refrain from any actions that may exploit or damage Narrowlink systems, data, or users.

For security inquiries or to report a vulnerability, contact us at [email protected].

There aren’t any published security advisories