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Repository files navigation Specialization

This repository contains all the lecture slides and solutions of all the programming assignments and quizzes of all the courses offered at Coursera Deep Learning Specialization.

Instructor: Andrew Ng,

Course 1. Neural Networks and Deep Learning

  • Week1 - Introduction to deep learning
  • Week2 - Neural Networks Basics
  • Week3 - Shallow neural networks
  • Week4 - Deep Neural Networks

Course 2. Improving Deep Neural Networks Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization

  • Week1 - Practical aspects of Deep Learning - Setting up your Machine Learning Application - Regularizing your neural network - Setting up your optimization problem
  • Week2 - Optimization algorithms
  • Week3 - Hyperparameter tuning, Batch Normalization and Programming Frameworks

Course 3. Structuring Machine Learning Projects

  • Week1 - Introduction to ML Strategy - Setting up your goal - Comparing to human-level performance
  • Week2 - ML Strategy (2) - Error Analysis - Mismatched training and dev/test set - Learning from multiple tasks - End-to-end deep learning

Course 4. Convolutional Neural Networks

  • Week1 - Foundations of Convolutional Neural Networks
  • Week2 - Deep convolutional models: case studies - Papers for read: ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, Very Deep Convolutional Networks For Large- Scale Image Recognition
  • Week3 - Object detection - Papers for read: You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection, YOLO
  • Week4 - Special applications: Face recognition & Neural style transfer - Papers for read: DeepFace, FaceNet

Course 5. Sequence Models

  • Week1 - Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Week2 - Natural Language Processing & Word Embeddings
  • Week3 - Sequence models & Attention mechanism
