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pyvisauto is a Python visual automation tool. Inspired by Sikuli, pyvisauto provides Python-native easy-to-use abstractions for complex interactions with on-screen visual elements by wrapping OpenCV (specifically opencv-contrib-python-headless), pyautogui, pytesseract, and numpy.

Features include:

  • OpenCV and numpy-driven image matching of on-screen elements
  • TesseractOCR support
  • Methods to find an image match (find), find all matches (find_all), check if a match exists (exists), wait until an image match occurs (wait), and wait for an image match to disappear (wait_vanish)
  • Methods to click and hover over regions and matches (click and hover, respectively) with random x and y coordinates within the region
  • Sub-region and cached matching for faster performance
  • Method to save screenshots of matches and regions to a file (screenshot)


pyvisauto has been tested on Python 3.7. The opencv-contrib-python-headless package limits availability to Python 2.7 and 3.4 ~ 3.7. While pyvisauto should be compatible with Python 3, Python 3.8 is currently not supported.

Installation and Usage

  1. Install OS-specific dependencies:
    • Windows: No extra dependencies needed
    • Linux: python3-xlib
    • OSX: pyobjc-core and pyobjc, in that order
  2. Install pyvisauto using pip: pip install pyvisauto
  3. Import pyvisauto: import pyvisauto
  4. Read the Quick Start and API docs

Quick Start

  • Define a full-screen region and assign it to r:

    r = pyvisauto.Region()
  • Define a region with the upper-left corner at x: 50px and y: 100px, with a width of 500px and height of 300px and assign it to r:

    r = pyvisauto.Region(50, 100, 500, 300)
  • Find the image asset1.png in the defined region, with a similarity score of 0.9:

    match1 = r.find('asset1.png', 0.8)
  • If there has been no visual changes in the defined region, subsequent find actions can be expedited by passing in cached=True:

    match2 = r.find('asset2.png', 0.9, cached=True)
  • find_all and exists can be used in a similar fashion as find.

  • Hover over a random point in the first returned match:

  • Click a random point in the second returned match:
  • One can use wait and vanish to wait for on-screen changes, detected by the presence or disappearance of an image on-screen, respectively:

    r.wait('wait_asset1.png', 30, 0.8)

    The above code will wait for wait_asset1.png in the previously defined region r, with a minimum similarity score of 0.8, waiting a maximum of 30 seconds before throwing a FindFailed exception. vanish, on the other hand, throws a VanishFailed exception. Both exceptions are defined in the pyvisauto module.


a vision-based automation tool







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