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Laravel Instagram Clone

A Laravel-based Instagram clone project for learning and demonstration purposes. This project replicates the core functionalities of Instagram, allowing users to share images and interact with posts.

Table of Contents


This Instagram clone project is built using the Laravel framework and incorporates several technologies and tools to provide a robust and feature-rich application.

Technologies Used

  • Laravel: A powerful PHP framework for building web applications. Leveraged for its MVC architecture, routing system, ORM (Eloquent), and Blade templating engine.
  • Laravel Breeze: A lightweight starter kit for Laravel authentication, providing simple authentication scaffolding using Blade views and Tailwind CSS.
  • Bootstrap: Front-end framework for responsive and mobile-first design.
  • Tailwind CSS: Used in conjunction with Laravel Breeze for styling the authentication views and components.
  • MySQL: Database management system for storing user data, posts, likes, comments, and other application data.
  • JavaScript: Used for client-side interactions, form validation, AJAX requests, and dynamic content loading.
  • Cloudinary: Cloud-based image and video management platform used for image uploads, storage, transformations, and delivery.

Main Features

  1. User Authentication:

    • Leveraged Laravel Breeze for quick setup of user authentication features.
    • Customized authentication views using Tailwind CSS and Blade templates.
  2. Image and video Posting:

    • Utilized Cloudinary for cloud-based image and video storage, transformations, and delivery.
    • Implemented Intervention Image for additional image processing tasks within the application.
  3. Interactions:

    • Enabled users to like and comment on posts using AJAX requests for seamless interactions.
    • Implemented real-time notifications using Pusher Channels for immediate feedback.
  4. User Profiles:

    • Developed user profile pages with customizable avatars, bios, and posts listing.
    • Implemented followers/following and blocking functionality for social connections.
  5. Feed and Explore:

    • Personalized feed based on followed users' posts, utilizing Laravel's Eloquent ORM for efficient data retrieval.
    • Explore page to discover new users and trending content, implemented with dynamic content loading.
    • Adding hashtag functionality for organizing and categorizing posts.
    • Enhancing search functionality for users and posts using Laravel Scout for full-text search capabilities.

Project Setup

Follow the installation steps mentioned below to set up the project locally. Ensure you have the necessary software dependencies installed, including PHP, Composer, and a web server environment.


  1. Clone the repository: Start by cloning the repository to your local machine using the following command:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: Move into the project directory after cloning:

    cd instagram-laravel
  3. Install Redis and PHP Redis extension: Use the following commands to install Redis and the PHP Redis extension:

    sudo dnf install redis php-pecl-redis
  4. Start Redis service: Start the Redis service using systemd:

    sudo systemctl start redis
  5. Install Composer dependencies: Use Composer to install the project dependencies:

    composer install
  6. Dump Autoload: Run Composer's autoload dump command:

    composer dump-autoload
  7. Install npm dependencies: Install the Node.js dependencies using npm:

    npm install
  8. Build assets: Build the assets using npm:

    npm run build
  9. Run database migrations: Set up the database by running the migrations:

    php artisan migrate
  10. Start the development server: Launch the Laravel development server using Artisan:

    php artisan serve

Video Demo

Check out a video demonstration of the Laravel Instagram Clone:

Laravel Instagram Clone Demo

Click the image above to watch the video.