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📌 My thoughts, collections and learnings on backend & platform engineering

Focus is on building stuff and this blog should serve as a medium to write deep explainers on complex topics.

Upcoming explainers on:

  1. Spring boot Inversion of Control (Dependency Injection): series
  2. SSH configuration on unix based system
  3. Docker internals and docker compose: series
  4. Nginx and web-server in general: reverse proxy, proxy, media
  5. HomeLab Project: Series
  6. SSL and how let's encrypt works
  7. A Journey into distributed systems
  8. Go learning series
  9. Networking Review: TCP/IP protocol and subnetting
  10. DNS servers
  11. SSH tunneling and ngrok architecture
  12. CI/CD with github actions and VPS based deployment pipeline.
  13. Internals of go and java with memory profiling and testing to limits
  14. Compilers, OS and networking
  15. Understanding spring boot from ground up, how application starts, developing apis with framework in java, java and go profiling
  16. Testing ACID compliance in database, writing backends in go to test features
  17. Distributed key-value store.
  18. log-based distributed database
  19. Serializability and isolation guarantees in database, test with spring may be
  20. Service discovery and microservices using consul and registrator
  21. Shell scripting cheatsheat guide