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C implementation of lesspass (version 2) without any external dependencies *.


Usage: lpcli <site> [login] [options]
  --lowercase, -l     include lowercase characters
  --uppercase, -u     include uppercase characters
  --digits, -d        include digits
  --symbols, -s       include symbols

  --length, -n        number of characters (16)
  --counter, -c       numeric suffix of salt (1)

  --print, -p         print instead of copying to clipboard.
                      xclip is required to copy to clipboard on linux.
  If none of l,u,d or s specified, luds is assumed.
  You can type short options without spaces. e.g. -ludn32c5p
  Length is between 5 and 35 and counter is greater than 0.
  Salt is site..login..hex(counter) where ".." is concatenation.
  Thus using an empty login or omitting it gives the same result.

Do not forget to check that you get the same password with both this one and lesspass.


*By default it requires libX11 for clipboard copy on linux; make .
If your system has xclip, You can compile without libX11; make HAS_XCLIP=1 .
On windows, mingw32-make (or mingw64-make) should suffice.