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Advertising Panel Management Application

Authors: Tri Nguyen, Thanh Bui, Thien Thai, Duong Pham, Thao Nguyen


This is an application designed to streamline and enhance the management of advertising boards throughout City X. This platform caters to the needs of residents, local officials at the ward and district levels, as well as the Department of Culture and Sports, providing a transparent and efficient system for overseeing the city's advertising landscape.

For Residents

The app features a user-friendly homepage with an interactive map showcasing approved advertising locations in City X. Residents can easily access detailed information about these locations, including addresses, zones, types of locations, advertising formats, and images of advertising boards. Additionally, users can view specific details about each advertising board, such as type, size, images, and contract expiration dates. Residents also have the capability to report any issues related to advertising boards or specific locations on the map.

For Ward and District Officials

Local officials can efficiently manage information about advertising locations and boards within their respective areas. They can also review reports submitted by residents and promptly address them. The app facilitates requests for editing information and advertising permits.

For Department of Culture and Sports Officials:

Officials at the department level have comprehensive control over the entire system, including lists of districts, wards, types of advertising, and advertising locations. They can access statistics on reports and their processing status from lower levels. Account creation and area assignment for management purposes are easily administered.


Resident Application (React + Vite)

Explore folder Client/citizens-app
Install packages npm install
Runs the app in the development mode npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

Officials Application (React + CRA)

Explore folder Client/officer-app
Install packages npm install
Runs the app in the development mode npm run dev
Open http://localhost:5173 to view it in your browser.

Mail Service & Server Application

Explore folder MailService Server
Install packages npm install
Runs the app in the development mode npm start
MailService run in http://localhost:5002
Server run in http://localhost:5002
In addition, it is also posible to explore https://webadvance.sofware || Swagger UI

What You're Getting


    └── citizens-app
        ├── .gitignore
        ├── .eslintrc.cjs
        ├── index.html
        ├── vite.config.js
        ├── package.json
        ├── public
        │   └── vite.svg
        └── src
            ├── .env
            ├── App.css
            ├── App.jsx
            ├── index.css
            ├── main.jsx
            ├── assets
            ├── axiosConfig
            │   └── axiosClient.js
            ├── provider
            ├── mockData
            └── ui-component
                ├── AdsInformation
                │   ├── AdsItem.jsx
                │   └── AdsList.jsx
                ├── Drawer
                │   └── Drawer.jsx
                ├── LocationInfomation
                │   └── LocationInformation.jsx
                ├── MapContainer
                │   ├── Map.jsx
                │   └── style.css
                ├── Modal
                │   ├── AdsDetailModal.jsx
                │   ├── NoticeDetailModal.jsx
                │   └── ReportModal.jsx
                ├── Notification
                │   ├── NotificationItem.jsx
                │   └── NotificationList.jsx
                ├── Report
                │   ├── ReportForm.jsx
                │   ├── ReprotItem.jsx
                │   └── ReportList.jsx
                └── Search
                    └── SearchBar.jsx


    └── officer-app
        ├── .gitignore
        ├── jsconfig.json
        ├── package.json
        ├── public
        │   ├── favicon.ico
        │   ├── index.html
        │   ├── manifest.json
        │   └── robots.txt
        └── src
            ├── App.css
            ├── App.js
            ├── index.css
            ├── index.js
            ├── assets
            ├── axiosConfig
            │   └── axios-config.js
            ├── layout
            │   ├── AuthenLayout
            │   │   └── AuthenLayout.jsx
            │   └── MainLayout
            │       ├── Header
            │       ├── Sidebar
            │       └── MainLayout.jsx
            ├── menu-items
            │   ├── dashboard.js
            │   ├── utilities.js
            │   ├── page.js
            │   └── index.js
            ├── redux
            │   ├── auth
            │   │   ├── authenticate-slice.js
            │   │   └── authorization-slide.js
            │   └── index.js
            ├── routes
            │   ├── AuthenticationRoutes.jsx
            │   ├── MainRoutes.jsx
            │   └── index.jsx
            ├── socket
            │   └── SocketProvider.jsx
            ├── store
            │   ├── auth
            │   ├── dashboard
            │   ├── report-map
            │   └── report
            └── views
                ├── dashboard
                ├── errors
                ├── pages/authentication
                └── utilities
                    ├── statistic
                    │   ├── ApprovedReport.jsx
                    │   ├── BarChart.jsx
                    │   ├── NotYetApprovedReport.jsx
                    │   ├── ReportResolution.jsx
                    │   ├── ReportStatistic.jsx
                    │   └── TotalReport.jsx
                    ├── account
                    │   ├── AccountManagement.jsx
                    │   ├── AssignRole.jsx
                    │   ├── CreateAccount.jsx
                    │   └── DetailAccount.jsx
                    ├── authorize_request
                    │   ├── AuthorizeRequestList.jsx
                    │   └── AuthorizeRequesDetail.jsx
                    ├── categories
                    │   ├── Map.jsx
                    │   └── style.css
                    ├── district-manage
                    │   ├── AdsDetailModal.jsx
                    │   ├── NoticeDetailModal.jsx
                    │   └── ReportModal.jsx
                    ├── list-license-adsboard
                    │   ├── NotificationItem.jsx
                    │   └── NotificationList.jsx
                    ├── list-location-adsboard
                    │   ├── ReportForm.jsx
                    │   ├── ReprotItem.jsx
                    │   └── ReportList.jsx
                    ├── profile
                    │   ├── ReportForm.jsx
                    │   ├── ReprotItem.jsx
                    │   └── ReportList.jsx
                    └── report-manage
                        ├── ReportForm.jsx
                        ├── ReprotItem.jsx
                        └── ReportList.jsx


    ├── .gitignore
    ├── Dockerfile
    ├── index.js
    ├── package.json
    ├── public
    │   ├── favicon.ico
    │   ├── index.html
    │   ├── manifest.json
    │   └── robots.txt
    │── helper
    │   ├── dto.js
    │   ├── errorHandler.js
    │   └── filter.js
    │── public
    │   ├── log.css
    │   ├── log.html
    │   └── log.js
    │── messae-broker
    │   ├── consumer.js
    │   ├── publisher.js
    │   └── rabbitmq.js
    │── controllers
    │   ├── adsboard.controller.js
    │   ├── adsboardtype.controller.js
    │   ├── adstype.controller.js
    │   ├── auth.controller.js
    │   ├── authorizeRequest.controller.js
    │   ├── company.controller.js
    │   ├── district.controller.js
    │   ├── editRequest.controller.js
    │   ├── location.controller.js
    │   ├── locationType.controller.js
    │   ├── notification.controller.js
    │   ├── report.controller.js
    │   ├── reportType.controller.js
    │   ├── user.controller.js
    │   └── ward.js
    │── middlewares
    │   ├── authenticate.js
    │   ├── authorize.js
    │   └── uploader.js
    │── models
    │   ├── AdsBoardModel.js
    │   ├── AuthorizeRequestModel.js
    │   ├── CompanyModel.js
    │   ├── DistrictModel.js
    │   ├── EditRequest.js
    │   ├── LocationModel.js
    │   ├── NotificationModel.js
    │   ├── RefreshTokenModel.js
    │   ├── ReportModel.js
    │   ├── TypeModel.js
    │   ├── UserModel.js
    │   └── WardModel.js
    │── routes
    │── services
    │── socket
    │   └── socket.js
    │── utils
    │   ├── hash.js
    │   ├── jwtUtils.js
    │   ├── logger.js
    │   ├── sendEmail.js
    │   ├── socket.js
    │   └── utils.js
    └── validators
        ├── adsBorad.validator.js
        ├── location.validator.js
        ├── repot.validator.js
        └── user.validator.js


    ├── .gitignore
    ├── index.js
    ├── package.json
    ├── sendMail.js
    └── messae-broker
        ├── consumer.js
        ├── publisher.js
        └── rabbitmq.js


API Docs
