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transform (t ? c : expr) to (t && c)
if expr is a variant of false

the "false variant" is defined in the rule config

note: this is a lossy transform.
if it works for your code depends on
how the return value of r=(t ? c : expr) is tested

for example, when r is tested with a 'bool test' like
if (r) {c} else {a} or (r && c) or (r ? c : a)
then you can use the testVariant 'bool'
and the transform is lossless for your code


First install ESLint:

$ npm i -g eslint

Second install the plugin:

$ npm i -g


If you have no .eslintrc.js config file,
run eslint --init to create a new one

Add plugin and rule to your .eslintrc.js:

module.exports = {
  // ...
  "plugins": [
  "rules": {
    "ternary-to-binary-conditional/ternary-to-binary-conditional": [
      "error", {
        testVariant: "strict",
        //testExpression: "exprSrc === 'void 0'",


There are (at least) three types of false in javascript:

  1. strict false: expr === false
  2. abstract false: expr == false
  3. bool false: Boolean(expr) === false

Sample "false expressions" are

  1. strict: [ false ]
  2. abstract: [ false, "", 0, -0, +0, [0], [], [[]], {[]}, {[[]]}, .... ]
  3. bool: [ false, "", 0, -0, +0, NaN, void 0, undefined, null, {}, {{}}, .... ]

bool false is used in

  • if (expr) {cond} (if branch)
  • if (expr) {cond} else {alt} (if else branch)
  • (expr && cond) (binary conditional expression)
  • (expr ? cond : alt) (ternary conditional expression)

The option testVariant or testExpression decides,
how expr is tested in the ternary conditional (t ? c : expr)

The default config is {testVariant: "strict"}

Values for testVariant are defined in testExpressionPresets
in the file lib/rules/ternary-to-binary-conditional.js

Each testVariant sets a testExpression:

  • strict: expr === false (default)
  • abstract: expr == false
  • bool: !expr
  • bool-or-abstract: !expr || expr == false
  • react: expr === false || expr === null || expr === undefined
  • coffeescript: exprSrc === 'void 0'

If you need a custom test expression,
you can set testExpression to something like

  • expr === null || expr === undefined
  • exprSrc === 'void 0'
  • (()=>{return exprSrc === 'false';})()

testExpression can test expr or exprSrc

if testExpression is set, testVariant is ignored


the coffeescript compiler coffee -c
translates binary conditionals like res = if test then cond
to ternary conditionals like res = test ? cond : void 0

for example,
when transforming React CJSX (coffee-JSX) to JSX code:

# cjsx
f = () ->
  <Component arg={if test then "cond"} />
// jsx
f = () => (
  <Component arg={test ? "cond" : void 0} />

but the expected result is

// jsx
f = () => (
  <Component arg={test && "cond"} />

such ternary conditionals are unnecessary in some situations
more precise:
when res is tested with a 'bool test'

this plugin was made to remove such unneeded ternary conditionals
and transform them to res = test && cond


the rule ternary-to-binary-conditional is similar
to the eslint rule no-unneeded-ternary (source)


license is CC-0 aka "creative commons zero"


No description or website provided.





