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How to submit your project as a sample

Rabia Williams edited this page Jul 5, 2023 · 20 revisions

Fork the samples repo

  • Fork the teams-dev-samples repository from GitHub and clone the forked repo into your local machine

     git clone <your-forked-url>
  • Go into the cloned folder

     cd teams-dev-samples
  • Create a new branch from the main branch in your fork for the contribution

     git checkout -b mysamplebranch main

Sample Naming and Structure

New sample submissions must follow these naming and structure guidelines:

1. Folder

Each sample should be in its own folder within the /samples directory. Your folder name should include a prefix depending on the type of sample, as follows:

Prefix Description
app- These are samples of apps that have multiple features such as a tab and a bot
bot- These are simple bots, intended to show a single capability or pattern
msgext- These are simple messaging extensions, intended to show a single capability or pattern
tabs- These are simple tabs, intended to show a single capability or pattern

2. file

Your sample folder should contain a file for your contribution. Please base your file based on this sample

Please copy the template to your project and update it accordingly. Your must be named exactly -- with capital letters -- as this is the information we use to make your sample public.

Each file must contain detailed build and use instructions.

3. Screenshot

You will need to have a screenshot picture of your sample in action in the file ("pics or it didn't happen"). The preview image must be located in the /assets/ folder in the root of your solution. Even if it's a simple bot sending a single chat message, please include a screen shot!

4. Telemetry

The README template contains a specific tracking image at the bottom of the file with an img tag, where the src attribute points to This is a transparent image which is used to track viewership of individual samples in GitHub.

Update the image src attribute according with the repository name and folder information. For example, if your sample is named react-todo in the samples folder, you should update the src attribute to

Submit the pull request

  • Commit your changes using descriptive commit message
  • Create a pull request from your own fork and target the main branch in the upstream repo
  • Fill up the PR template with the requested details
  • Add label teams global hack to the PR. This will help us do some additional house keeping to your project to add a template file to make it discoverable in various websites like

Read more about the complete contribution guidelines