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Sam Borick edited this page Apr 27, 2022 · 1 revision

Build Log 2

the extruder motor plug fell out, the plug is the wrong time. I need to get the correct plug

I made the thermistor plug bigger, and used the screw to keep it in

thermostatic control works! if I set it to 200 it floats around 210-208, maybe that requires a firmware setting

the screw seems to rotate backwards, do I need to fix that in firmware? I think I can also flip some wire so I'll probably do that

immense difficulty cutting a new glass insulator. I'm going to try to run without one to see what happens

i realized that my top motor mount was upside down, so now my motor gear meshes better

while mounting and fiddling, I broke off my quick disconnect mount. when I decided to do it this way, I had already printed the hopper. so I just printed a blank mount and tried to jb-weld it to the hopper. obviously it worked, for awhile.

I think I'll embark on that redesign off the hopper I mentioned last time.

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