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JavaScript client with DAS helpers for Mpl Core

A JavaScript library for getting assets and collections from DAS in the Mpl Core format.

Getting started

  1. First, if you're not already using Umi, follow these instructions to install the Umi framework.
  2. Next, install the DAS client using the package manager of your choice.
    npm install @metaplex-foundation/digital-asset-standard-api
  3. Install this library.
    npm install @metaplex-foundation/mpl-core-das
  4. Finally, register the library with your Umi instance.
    import { createUmi } from '@metaplex-foundation/umi-bundle-defaults';
    import { dasApi } from '@metaplex-foundation/digital-asset-standard-api';
    const umi = createUmi('<your rpc endpoint>');
  5. Examples
    import { publicKey } from '@metaplex-foundation/umi';
    import { das } from '@metaplex-foundation/mpl-core-das';
    // Search assets
    const foundAssets = await das.searchAssets(umi, {
      owner: publicKey('<ownerPublicKey>'),
      interface: 'MplCoreAsset',
    // Search collections
    const foundCollections = await das.searchCollections(umi, {
      authority: publicKey('<authorityPublicKey>'),
    // Fetch assets by authority
    const assetsByAuthority = await das.getAssetsByAuthority(umi, {
      authority: publicKey('<authorityPublicKey>'),
    // Fetch assets by owner
    const assetsByOwner = await das.getAssetsByOwner(umi, {
      owner: publicKey('<ownerPublicKey>'),
    // Fetch assets by collection
    const assetsByCollection = await das.getAssetsByCollection(umi, {
      collection: publicKey('<collectionPublicKey>'),
    // Fetch collections by authority
    const collectionsByUpdateAuthority = await das.getCollectionsByUpdateAuthority(umi, {
      updateAuthority: publicKey('<updateAuthorityPublicKey>'),

Plugin Derivations

This library will automatically derive the plugins in assets inherited from the collection.

Read more about plugin inheritance and precedence here.

To disable automatic derivation:

const assetsByOwner = await das.getAssetsByOwner(umi, {
  owner: publicKey('<ownerPublicKey>'),
  skipDerivePlugins: true,

You can also manually derive the plugins for the asset if you have already fetched the collection at a prior time using the mpl-core JavaScript SDK like:

import { deriveAssetPlugins, fetchCollection } from '@metaplex-foundation/mpl-core'


const collection = await fetchCollection(umi, publicKey('<collectionPublicKey>'))

const assetsByCollection = await das.getAssetsByCollection(umi, {
  collection: collection.publicKey,
  skipDerivePlugins: true,

const derivedAssets = => deriveAssetPlugins(asset, collection))


Check out the Contributing Guide to learn more about how to contribute to this library.