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Kunefe is a Python package that helps users run containerized applications (Docker) on HPC systems. It can:

  • convert an existing Docker image into an Apptainer image
  • connect to a remote host via SSH and run shell commands
  • generate scripts for batch jobs
  • submit generated job scripts to HPC batch queues (SLURM)
  • copy files and folders to a remote system
  • retrieve files and folders from a remote system
  • install Apptainer on a remote system
  • monitor the job queue (SLURM)


In order to run your application with kunefe, you will need your application to be containerized. If your application is not containerized, you can follow this guide to learn how to do that.

The host system requirements (e.g. your laptop or desktop computer):

Remote system requirements (e.g. HPC cluster):

Note: If Apptainer is not available on the remote system, it can be installed using kunefe which will require the following packages to be installed on the remote system: curl rpm2cpio cpio


Tests Examples Documentation Status PyPI pyversions Checked with mypy pre-commit recommendations
howfairis fair-software badge
(1/5) code repository github repo badge
(2/5) license github license badge
(3/5) community registry RSD workflow pypi badge
(4/5) citation DOI
(5/5) checklist OpenSSF Best Practices
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Static analysis workflow scq badge Code Smells Duplicated Lines (%) Reliability Rating Technical Debt Maintainability Rating Bugs Security Rating Vulnerabilities
Coverage workflow scc badge
GitHub Actions  
Build build
Howfairis build
Citation data consistency cffconvert
SonarCloud sonarcloud
MarkDown link checker markdown-link-check


To install the latest kunefe release from PyPI, run:

python -m pip install kunefe

To install the development version of kunefe from GitHub repository, do:

python -m pip install git+


See the examples in examples folder.


See for the code documentation.

The project setup

The project setup is documented in Feel free to remove this document (and/or the link to this document) if you don't need it.


If you want to contribute to the development of kunefe, have a look at the contribution guidelines.


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the NLeSC/python-template.